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10 Reasons We are Thankful for Subscription Boxes

The holiday season is obviously a time for gifting, shopping, visiting, baking and of course subscribing to all the subscription boxes just in time for their holiday finest to arrive. We think it’s also a great time to focus on gratitude and thankfulness for all that abundance too. Here in the states our Thanksgiving holiday is coming right up, which also makes it the perfect time to celebrate being thankful.

Here at A Year of Boxes we review tons of wonderful subscription boxes throughout the year, and always with gratitude for the box owners generosity. However, we thought it would be extra special to make a list of why we are so grateful for our monthly deliveries in a special gratitude post. Read on for 10 reasons we are thankful for subscription boxes!

1. They inspire us, encourage learning and motivate us to try new things. Boxes often choose new and unique products which in turn often causes further product research or a look into how you can incorporate to the product into your life in new way. Inspiration for this is often found in the form of in depth blog posts or in the package inserts. It can include additional information like interviews, how to used products, looks at related topics and more, each box is much more than just the products they send.

2. They’ve introduced products that have helped us solve problems. Maybe it’s the perfect lotion for dry skin, a serum that cleared up a skin problem, a quick breakfast item that’s a healthy replacement, a mindfulness tool that helped reduce stress or the perfect outfit to wear to a specific occasion. We’ve found many problem solvers though our subscription boxes that have in turn made aspects of life a lot easier!

3. They help us manage starting a new lifestyle change. Going vegan or switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle is a lot of work, research and an investment of time. That’s why we really appreciate boxes that connect to those types of lifestyles to help take some of the legwork out of the transition. The products sent, along with the education they often provide, will make you a pro in no time.

4. They’ve connected us to others who are interested in similar things through social media encounters or connection through communities and blog posts. For example our book boxes almost create an immediate book club, eco-friendly boxes create a place for sharing tips and tricks, and makeup boxes unite those looking to master the perfect holiday glam look. They are an unexpected and great source of community.

5. They help us keep motivation on a new hobby or goal. Whether you’ve just started a new fitness plan, a crafting adventure, or maybe a career interest like makeup artistry, the repetitive nature of a subscription can be the incentive to help you keep the interest and momentum going. Plus if your chosen topic is something like fitness, you’ll often receive tips and guidance on ways to further the journey.

6. They provide opportunities to be creative through boxes that deliver things like arts and crafts projects, recipe ingredients, and gardening tools, among many other things. Creativity is a super important part of life (even if you don’t think it is!) and it’s good for the mind to make being creative a regular priority. These surprise deliveries of unique ideas will give you the opportunity to take the items and use them in whatever way your imagination can come up with each month.

7. They’ve helped with parenthood and raising children by sending along things like clothes, toys, snacks, books, and wellness items to make the process just a little bit easier. It’s so nice as a parent to have helpful deliveries just arrive and get to work without having to think about it. The set it and forget it part of subscription boxes is clutch as a parent. Plus, it’s fun and exciting for the whole family!

8. They’ve helped make mealtimes more interesting and unique through trying new foods and different flavor combinations. Meal subscriptions are such a handy and easy way to make dinner time less of a chore. We love that many send either pre-made meals which couldn’t be any easier, or meals that take very little prep which is so helpful on busy evenings.

9. They are a surprise and delight each month (or quarter!) that lifts spirits and provides a fun experience. It’s said a subscription box is the gift that keeps on giving and believe us, they really are. Each monthly delivery is full of new surprises so it doesn’t even have to be a holiday to get gifted.

10. Lastly (though we could come up with many more, I’m sure), we are thankful for the thoughtfulness that goes into creating a box as each delivery makes it feel like someone really cares about the recipient, their interests and what they like. It often feels very personalized and it shows. That’s one of the best things about finding a box you really love to receive!

We are ever so grateful that subscription box owners choose us to review their boxes each month and share the thrill with you all. We hope our reviews and imagery are helpful as you navigate subscribing to your own box full of joy. We wish you much learning, excitement, and fun as you un-box. Let us know your favorites below and why you’re grateful for them too!

The Botanic Gal –

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