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HelloFresh Canada: Now Shipping to Quebec!

HelloFresh Canada delivers weekly recipes and fresh ingredients straight to your doorstep, so you can cook delicious, quick, and healthy meals at home.

Subscription Update

We are very excited to announce that HelloFresh Canada is now shipping to Quebec!!

Coupon Code: Use Coupon Code AYOB3FP to receive 3 FREE plates on your first order at HelloFresh Canada – CLICK HERE

How It Works:

1. We create amazing recipes – Every week our chefs create amazing recipes for you with photos of every step for you to cook quick, delicious, nutritious meals at home. We do all the thinking and planning so you’re just left with the fun bit: easy home cooking and eating!

2. We do the shopping for you – Go home, kick your feet up, and skip the supermarket – HelloFresh has got you covered! From creating the recipes and planning the meals, to sourcing specialty products from our legendary suppliers. We even start the prep work by pre-measuring and pre-cutting the ingredients for you! There’s no waste and you don’t have to worry about the time old questions of “What’s for dinner?

3. Free delivery! – We deliver everything straight to your door at no extra cost. Seriously! Nada. Zip. Zilch.

4. You prepare amazing meals at home – Everyone should be able to cook great meals at home and that’s why we’ve made it our life’s mission to make cooking easy and fun! Using our step-by-step recipe cards you’ll learn delicious new recipes every single week from the comfort of your own kitchen and get them on the table in record time. Let us do all the hard work and start your cooking adventure with us today!


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