Please complete the following form to submit your box to our Subscription Box Directory. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Once we receive your completed form we’ll get to work creating your listing! Please allow up to 10 business days for the listing to go live. We’ll send you an email when with the link to your listing once it’s ready!

Please note, all boxes on the directory must be actively selling. We do not allow boxes in the directory that are still in pre-launch or on pause. We reserve the right to deny a listing application if we feel it will not be a good fit for our community. Thank you for your understanding.

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Box Type
Box Category
Please select the best category for your box from the options listed. If there isn't an option that fits, please select "other" and let us know - we'll be glad to create a new category to accommodate.
The main description of the box. This appears under the "Box Details" section in the body of your directory listing. This is generally 1 -2 brief paragraphs that gives the reader information about your box, what to expect, and the benefits of subscribing. This is the place to make your box shine!
A short description of the box (1-2 sentences, 220 characters max). This will appear at the top of your directory listing page, under the name and price.
What kinds of things does your box include? How many items can subscribers expect to receive? Be sure to use complete sentences as this will be published exactly how it appears. This is another great place to clearly market the value your box brings to your subscribers!
Enter your pricing for a regular subscription and please indicate if it's per month, per quarter, per season, etc.
Include shipping prices for all countries, if applicable.
Please provide a unique, ongoing coupon code, evergreen coupon code (no expiration date), that will be displayed in the sidebar when reviews about your box are posted. Please also include a brief description of the coupon code.
What currency are your prices in? USD, CAD etc.
How Often is the Box Shipped?
What Areas Do You Ship To?
Please select all that apply.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The default image to be used on your box page, will appear on all directory pages where applicable.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Supporting image for your listing - viewers like to see a variety of images.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Supporting image for your listing - viewers like to see a variety of images.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Supporting image for your listing - viewers like to see a variety of images.
Including FAQs can be very helpful for increasing conversions from your listing. These must be listed in text form that we can copy, please do not leave a link in this field. Don't worry about spacing, we'll format it for you.
Do You Have An Affiliate Program?
Note: boxes that have an affiliate program are given priority for placement in editorial articles, gift guides, and other content we create on our site.
This is the email address we'll use to communicate with you about your listing and about opportunities to collaborate with A Year of Boxes throughout the year.
Price: $0.00
Regularly $25
Would You Like Any Add Ons?
Please note: for the box review or Instagram reel, you would need to ship a box to our US based address which we will provide after payment is received.