Bowzer Box Review January 2018

Bowzer Box is the #1 Canadian Monthly Subscription Box for Dogs delivered to your door each month. Proudly Canadian. They aim to take the guess work out of buying products for your dogs and make “shopping” more convenient for busy pet owners. Each month your pup will receive a handpicked selection of high quality dog products – everything from toys and gourmet treats, bones & more! They kindly sent us this box for review.

Bowzer Box always provides an excellent product card letting you know all about the month’s theme, products and companies inside and how you can find more of the same if your pooch loves what you received. Unfortunately I did not receive the product card this month and after a bit of digging it looks like other reviewers missed out on their product card as well. It’s ok though, because I consider myself a bit of a Bowzer Box expert now and can guess where they were going with this box….
Let me tell you a bit about being a dog owner in January in Canada…. with a small dog to boot…. It’s cold. Any time we go for a walk I have to bath Bentley. This is just the reality of a low rider. He also catches colds easily. I know, dog colds are a thing. All this to say it can be pretty demotivating getting out of the house to exercise the little guy. Do you know what’s actually worse than walking your small dog in two feet of snow in minus 10 weather though? A bored dog… a bored dog is destructive, moody, whiney and a huge attention seeker. Just last week Bentley was suffering from the worst winter blues boredom ever and decided to let us know by chewing the laptop cord. My husband came home to see it emanating sparks on the living room rug. This is 100% my fault as a dog owner…. and where Bowzer Box can REALLY save the day!
Let’s take a look and see what sort of laptop cord replacement items Bowzer has provided for Bentley!

Piggy-Pork Crunchers
Perfect! Bentley is a chewer for sure! This laptop cable is actually the only casualty in the house outside of a couple pairs of cheap flip flops. He’s normally really good to sticking to his own items for a chew, but if I don’t keep a good rotation of new things boredom sets in! These items are a little larger than what I would normally purchase for Bentley, but being as it’s winter he could use something that’s going to last a bit longer. He’s already tucked into one and I can tell he’s happier already!

Poop Bags
Am I the only dog owner that LOVES getting poop bags in my box?! I just hate purchasing stuff like this, so to have it show up ready for me is a dream! You can go through a roll a week easy when you’re picking up one to two times a day. Needless to say, a good stock of these is a major necessity for any dog owner.

Hearty Trails Gourmet Pet Treats
This is where the product card really comes in handy for me, as Bowzer is really good at letting you know what’s in these treats, how they are sourced and how they are processed. I’ve been a Bowzer subscriber for so long now that I do blindly trust their judgement when it comes to treats! Bentley has never once had an issue consuming a Bowzer treat! I can’t actually say the same for other dog boxes…

Chomper Doggy Long Legs Launching Legs
This is perfect! Our place is pretty small, so I won’t be able to launch this far, but it doesn’t really even matter, as Bentley has already gone to town on this thing, running around the house with it and shaking the dear life out of it! He’s in love. This is the perfect laptop cord replacement item for him. I think it’s safe to say our electronic cables, flip flops and other items will be safe for at least the next month!

Bowzer Box January 2018 – Final Thoughts
This was the perfect box for January! Really truly. Two large treats to keep the chewer busy and a new toy to throw around and rip apart. I don’t feel as guilty leaving Bentley inside on those colder days now that he has these new things to distract him! I would actually pay Bowzer a larger fee in the winter months to receive a couple extra chewy items for those boredom winter months. Either that, or I would love to see them switch out the bag of treats for another toy item to keep him busy. All dogs are different though and Bowzer really does do an amazing job of making sure you are receiving a well-rounded box of items to keep your fur baby happy and loved! I’m so thrilled to have received this box when I did… Though if it came ten days earlier the laptop cord would have been saved!