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Bowzer Box Review March 2016 – Pet Subscription Box

If you Google Canadian Pet Subscription Boxes, Bowzer Box will be the first one on the list, come to think of it, it’s probably the only one on the list. There use to be another dog subscription box based in Canada, but they are no longer in business. Any who, what I am trying to say is, Bowzer Box is one of the only pet subscription boxes based in Canada, and that makes me love them.

If you aren’t familiar with Bowzer Box it is a subscription service that delivers a box of doggy goodies every month. You sign up for a 1-, 3-, or 6-month subscription and will receive 5-6 items such as dog treats, toys, and accessories right at your door. Bowzer Box donates 10% of their profits to animals less fortunate & they try to choose products that are free from fillers and major allergens. This box was provided complimentary for review and may include affiliate links.

Box: Bowzer Box


What You Get: 5-6 items such as dog treats, toys, and accessories. May include full size toys and treats (wheat free), samples, and coupons from various brands.

Ships to: Canada

Shipping Date: Boxes shipped on the 15th of every month

Shipping Cost: $4.50

Coupon Code: use code “AYOB” to get 10% off – CLICK HERE

I noticed that our Bowzer Box product card looks different this month. It has a bunch of products listed on the back, but they aren’t the products included in our March box, I’m confused. Anyways, this just means that I have to look each product up, and while that is great for research purposes, I’m being extremely lazy this morning and don’t really want to look each one up individually…..but I will.

Multipet Dog Toy – This guy kind of creeps me out, but I’m not the one who is going to be chewing on it. He has a bunch of squeakers in him, so whoever I give this to is going to love me……it will be like a squeaker symphony.

Hero Dog Treats Bully Dust – Ok…..this one also creeps me out. I swear one of my readers told me that “bully” is actually bull penis….is this true? If so, does this mean I have a bag of penis dust sitting on my counter right now. You are supposed to use this to season your pup’s food, or use it to make recipes. Lol, I am definitely in the mood to whip up some penis muffins.

Dogs Fish Ocean Wrap – And again….I am creeped out. It’s a good thing I don’t have a dog. These are sweet potatoes wrapped in fish skin, and while I may think they are disgusting, I have a feeling my doggy friend Jo is going to love them.

Stella & Chewy’s Meal Mixers – These little treats are supposed to be mixed with your pup’s food, and claim add raw food nutrition to any meal. They are packed with fruits, vegetables, probiotics and antioxidants.

Pegetables Dog Chews – If I was a pet owner I would keep a stash of these on hand at ALL times. It claims to remove plaque, and that is always a good idea.

Thoughts: This month’s Bowzer Box is pretty good, but I was hoping for more of an Easter theme. The product card is titled “Bowzer’s Easter Hunt” so I was assuming I would find bunnies and eggs and all that good stuff, but when they said “Easter Hunt” they had something different in mind. Instead of having the same thing in everyone’s box this month, they said that they were treating it like a real Easter hunt and sent everyone something different. The idea is fun, but I like my traditional themed boxes……bunnies and eggs and carrots and…..


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