Bowzer Box Review October 2018

Bowzer Box is a fun Canadian subscription box for dogs of all sizes. They work hard to provide high quality – and local, treats, toys, and other goodies from Canadian and American companies. Based in British Columbia, it currently ships country wide, right to your door step. Each box is customized to your dog’s characteristics, such as size of your dog. The boxes include an info card and Bowzer Box wrapping paper, protecting the goodies.

Here’s a closer look at the items I received in the October Bowzer Box…..

Vegalicious Squash Rings
This month, like most boxes at Bowzer Box, had a variety of healthy treats for your pooch. First was Squash Rings, made by Vegalicious. My Labrador liked these treats most, and the portions were great.

Candid K Nine Simply Pumpkin Treats
Next treats included were Pumpkin flavoured treats by Candid K Nine. The company is based in Windsor Ontario and are 100% natural. I thought these were unique and a perfect flavour for the autumn season.

Halloween Cookies
The last treats included were fun Halloween cookies. Decorated as a skull and zombie, they were fun additions to this box. I do wish they were packaged for precaution, but I understand that might have been difficult.

Go Dog Zombie Toy
This month’s toy was a purple zombie toy with cute detail work. Unfortunately, the squeaker in the toy did not last long, but the material is surprisingly strong. I think it was a good size for a dog box.

Bowzer Box Review October 2018 – Final Thoughts
I always love the quality of boxes that Bowzer Box puts together, and the October box did not disappoint. Roxy’s (my dog) favourite item was the Squash treats and toy, which she is currently playing with. Overall, I recommend Bowzer Box for Canadians looking for a local and natural subscription box for their dogs.
Katelin –