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Bump Boxes Review April 2020

Bump Boxes is a monthly subscription service that curates fun, healthy products for Mom and her baby! The subscription can be started at anytime during pregnancy and continue all the way until the baby’s first birthday!  Products are specific to pregnancy and once Mom hits her due date the subscription transitions to both Mom & Baby products. They kindly sent us this box for review.

I received my very first Bump Boxes at the beginning of February. I was still pregnant at that time, Baby AYOB arrived March 7th. Even though I am no longer pregnant I am still VERY excited about my Bump Boxes deliveries. Not only are there items in the box that I will be able to use, pregnant or not, but we are also talking about baby #2 so I am going to stash away some of my Bump Boxes goodies for when the time comes.

Subscription Details

When you sign up for Bump Boxes you can choose from the following:

Once you choose your subscription plan you will customize your box with the following information:

Here’s a closer look at my April Bump Boxes….

Glow Organics 9 Balance Foot Soak ($15.99)

A Himalayan salt soak with essential oils to get balanced and reduce swelling. Feeling those swollen feet yet, Mama? This natural soak is made from a blend of salts, lavender and white grapefruit essential oils to promote healthy circulation. Plus it smells divine.

This is a MUST-HAVE for pregnancy. Swollen feet are a real thing. I never thought it would happen to me, but boy was I wrong. My feet and ankles were extremely swollen, on and off during my pregnancy. They were also swollen for a few weeks after labor so I would have LOVED to have this on hand.

Mambino Anti-Stretch Body Oil ($16)

An organic anti-stretch oil that can be used all over your body. As your bump grows, so can stretch marks. Mambino body oil helps prevent and minimize the appearance of stretch marks. This luxurious oil restores skin hydration, maintains elasticity and soothes itchiness. Win-win, Mama!

I was very lucky during my pregnancy and didn’t get stretch marks. I was very diligent when it came to applying oil and/or lotion on my belly so I’m not sure if that contribute to my luck or not. Either way, I highly recommend having some sort of product to help prevent stretch marks so this is the PERFECT item for a pregnancy box.

Sleek’e Hair Wrap ($18)

A luxuriously soft microfibre hair wrap. Take your mama hair to the next level with this hair wrap from Sleek’e. This wrap gently dries your hair to reduce frizz and prep your hair for any style! You’ll love how soft and shiny your hair feels – and you can say bye-bye to those old towels.

Personally, I think this is a great product post-pregnancy. My shower time has been cut in half, and I often have to rush out of the shower early to attend to a crying baby. This means I don’t have time to dry my hair immediately after the shower and will love to have a cute little hair towel to wrap it in until I have a spare moment to finish my styling.

Momosa Mocktail Recipe Book ($12.99)

A recipe book of the most fun non-alcoholic drinks around! Sometimes Mama just needs a drink! This book is packed with fun recipes like Hot Mama, My Little Peach and Stork’s Choice – that are sure to become go-to’s even after pregnancy.

I’m not really one to enjoy alcoholic beverages but during my pregnancy I would crave them. It is for that reason that this mocktail recipe book makes total sense for a pregnancy box.

FaceOff Face Cloth ($14.99)

A safe, reusable makeup removal cloth. Gently cleanses and clears your face of buildup – leaving your complexion radiant and hydrated. Say bye-bye to chemical filled cleansers and wipes.

I’m guilty of using face wipes, and as much as I love them, I hate the additional waste. I will definitely give this cloth a try because once you become pregnant you are much more aware of the products you use on your face and body.

Bump Boxes Review April 2020 – Final Thoughts

If you are currently pregnant, or thinking about having a baby, I would highly recommend Bump Boxes. There’s something really nice about receiving a lovely pink box curated specifically for your pregnancy in the mail each month. I love the idea of receiving products curated just for expecting moms. It makes you feel loved for during an otherwise uncertain time. It’s also really nice to discover pregnancy products that you might not have discovered on your own. Who knew there was a Foot Soak to help reduce swelling?! And who knew a hair wrap would be such a lifesaver post-pregnancy when your typically shower routine is turned upside down?! It’s safe to say I am in love with my Bump Boxes and can’t wait to see what arrives next month.

-AYOB Sarah

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