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Bump Boxes Review January 2020

Bump Boxes is a monthly subscription service that curates fun, healthy products for Mom and her baby! The subscription can be started at anytime during pregnancy and continue all the way until the baby’s first birthday!  Products are specific to pregnancy and once Mom hits her due date the subscription transitions to both Mom & Baby products.

I have been waiting to get my hands on Bump Boxes since we found out we were pregnant back in July. I have heard great things about this subscription and when it comes to pregnancy boxes it’s definitely one of the better ones.

My review boxes started a little late as this one is better suited to the beginning of your pregnancy but……we are talking about trying for baby #2 right away so I am going to stash these goodies away for when the times comes.

Subscription Details

When you sign up for Bump Boxes you can choose from the following:

Once you choose your subscription plan you will customize your box with the following information:

Here’s a closer look at my January Bump Boxes….

TummyDrops Organic Drops ($10.95)

Certified gluten-free, organic candies. Created by Board-Certified Gastroenterologist, these natural drops are great at warding of morning sickness. They taste great and go to work fast.

My first trimester was filled with nausea. I never actually threw up but I felt like I wanted to all the time. These little drops would have come in handy. They would be perfect to keep in your purse, or beside your bed for the first few months, or until the nausea subsides.

Pearhead Mommy Belly Stickers ($7.95)

Adorable belly stickers to mark each milestone of pregnancy. Pregnancy is such an exciting time, and comes with so many big moments. These stickers help you show off how much your little one is growing – from 8 weeks to their big arrival.

These little stickers are genius! I have only taken a few belly photos so far but when I went to look back at them the other day I couldn’t remember what week I was in each photo. I had to try to figure out when I had taken them (the month and day) and then calculate the week of pregnancy from there. I blame it on pregnancy brain. You forget things easily and you aren’t as organized as you were pre-pregnancy so any product that will make my life easier (like these stickers) is a genius idea in my opinion.

Sparkling Mama Fizzelixir ($5.99)

Easy powder packets to help you relieve morning sickness. When you’re nauseous, all you want is to feel normal again, fast! Sip away that morning sickness with Fizzelixir! Made with natural extracts, B6, and magnesium, it’s a great way to feel better……naturally.

I already spoke about my morning sickness but one of the things I didn’t mention is that when experiencing nausea you are willing to do/try anything to get rid of it. If we get pregnant again I would definitely keep these powder packs in my purse. My nausea would be worse when in the car so I will keep these and some extra bottles of water stashed in a travel bag in the car……along with granola bars and soda crackers.

NoMo Nausea Anti Sickness Wristband ($12.99)

An acupressure wristband to help relieve that first trimester nausea. Need to kick that morning sickness, Mama? This waterproof band is infused with nautural peppermint oil and uses gentle acupressure to curb nausea fast.

Tip: Keep this around to put in your hospital bag, nausea can strike again during labor or even postpartum.

This is easily my favorite item in the box. I swear by these wristbands. I had a couple of cotton bands that I wore throughout my first trimester and I wish I would have had a few more. A set to keep by the bed, in my purse and in the car. This one is even better because it is infused with peppermint. I LOVED the smell of peppermint during my first trimester. It was so soothing.

But it gets even better…..I’m a couple weeks away from baby’s arrival so I will be adding this band to my hospital bag. Such a great idea!!!

UPDATE: I just realized that the band is size large and WAY too big for my tiny wrists. I am going to reach out to the company and see if they will send the correct size as I would LOVE to have this for my hospital bag.

Belli Pre Treatment Scrub ($24)

A gentle exfoliant made with natural ingredients to safely buff away impurities. Sometimes you just need a clean slate. This fresh start scrub gently scrubs away old skin cells and impurities to reveal that beautiful Mama glow. Made with green tea and ginseng for clarity, and peppermint oil to wash away lingering nausea.

Another product featuring peppermint! It’s my lucky day. This lovely scrub would be the best way to start your day. During my first trimester I was sick and tired and it was hard to do simple things, like shower. But…..starting your day with a refreshing shower and taking the extra time to actually get dressed and do your hair is a great way to make yourself feel better……..even if at the time you are too tired to even think of getting out of bed.

Bump Boxes Review January 2020 – Final Thoughts

It’s official……Bump Boxes is a MUST-HAVE for your pregnancy. Now that I have been through the first trimester (and second and third) I can confidently say that all the items in my January Bump Boxes are essential. Each item would have been amazing to have on hand. I definitely would have used all of them. The scrub for morning showers, the wristband kept in my purse along with the powder packets, the TummyDrops kept beside the bed, and the belly stickers to keep track of my growing belly. I am 100% in love with this box and will be stashing all the items away for pregnancy #2!

-AYOB Sarah

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