Caring Crate Review September 2016

Caring Crate Review September 2016
Caring Crate Review September 2016 – The name of this box is absolutely perfect. Sometimes subscription box names are totally random and have nothing to do with the boxes itself, but in this case, the name says it all. The word “caring” is the best way to describe this box… and the owner. You can really tell that she loves what she does, and that she cares about the box and her customers. I feel cared for when I open my Caring Crate…’s such a nice feeling.

Caring Crate Details
If you aren’t familiar with Caring Crate it is a unique, monthly subscription box service for those dealing with mental health issues, chronic illnesses – or anyone who needs a little extra self-care. From mood enhancing aromatherapy and teas, to personal journals and healthy snacks, Caring Crate is the perfect solution to indulging in a little self-care, or gifting a thoughtfully curated box to friends, family & loved ones.

The Box: Caring Crate
Cost: $39.95
What You Get: Each box is a surprise, so they have to keep the full details on the down-low 😉 But they can tell you that each subscription box you receive on your doorstep each month will contain 4-5 full-sized products related to health and wellness. Their boxes are carefully curated with thoughtful product selections and lovingly assembled for you.
Ships to: US & Canada
Shipping Cost: $12.99

September Caring Crate Theme
This month’s box is titled “The Better Sleep Box”. The owner, Janelle, wrote us a little note – “Sleep is the best meditation” – Dalai Lama. I couldn’t agree more. My sleep is very important to me. When I don’t sleep well it throws everything off. I notice it in my skin, my energy levels, my eating habits, my mood, and everything in between. I’m excited to see what she came up with……

Aren’t You Fancy Lavender Eye Pillow
A soothing pillow filled with lavender and flax to provide gentle pressure and help you relax during meditation or before sleep. Can also be used hot or cold, and is also useful for soothing headaches.
Lavender has got to be one of the best smells….ever. And it really is a relaxing scent, so the fact that this little eye pillow is scented with lavender makes it perfect for relaxation. I like that it can also be used for headaches. I’ve been known to get some nasty ones, so I will definitely be able to use this item.

Good Common Sense Immortal Shower Steam Tab
Uses the steam of your shower to release therapeutic essential oils like orange, frankincense, and rosemary. Taking a warm bath or shower about two hours before bed causes your body temperature to raise slightly and then gradually drop, helping you relax and drift off to sleep.
I LOVE steam tabs. I discovered them a couple of years ago in another subscription box and have been obsessed ever since. I’ve been known to hoard them because I love them so much, I worry about running out. I really need to get over that .

Craftnernoon Dreamcatcher Kit
A calming, repetitive activity to do when insomnia strikes that makes a beautiful dreamcatcher you can hang near your bed.
This isn’t really something I’m in to, but it definitely fits the theme of the box. And…’s probably the prettiest dreamcatcher I have ever seen. We’ll see, I just might give it a whirl.

Deep Sleep Deck
A collection of 50 cards with natural options to help you fall asleep.
This is such a fun little idea. I don’t have problems sleeping, maybe only once ever second month, but I love these regardless. I have a friend who struggles with insomnia, I should give these to her. She could keep them beside her bed.
Caring Crate Review September 2016 – Final Thoughts
I pretty much told you how I feel about this box in the first paragraph, but let’s do a quick recap. This is just a really nice box, I love the thought that goes into it, and I love the idea behind it. It’s perfect for anyone really, because we all need a little “self-care” therapy every now and then. I might not love every single item we received this month, but at the same time I kind of do. Every item fits perfectly with the theme, and they are all such fun items. I really admire this box, I think that is the best way to describe it…….admiration.