Chakra Love Review June 2016

Chakra Love review June 2016 – This will be my second review for Chakra Love and I have to say, I have definitely been enjoying this new subscription service. It’s quite different from the boxes I normally review, and that’s probably why it appeals to me so much.
If you aren’t familiar with Chakra Love it is a monthly subscription service for healing jewelry. Each month owner Jeri Warlick intuitively selects Crystal talisman necklaces for the subscriber, so it is as if the universe brings you the Crystal that you need the most for energetic healing or manifestation work.

The Box: Chakra Love
Cost: $124 for a 3-month subscription
What You Get: Each month you will receive a petite but powerful crystal healing talisman on vegan-friendly cord or leather. Each talisman includes a stone that brings about healing and balance to a specific chakra!
Ships to: US & Canada
Shipping Cost: $5 per month to US, additional fees for Canadian shipping

Each month your Chakra Love necklace arrives in a simple little bubble mailer, tucked inside a canvas bag. Even though there’s only one little item inside, I get just as excited when I am opening this one as I do when I open my boxes that contain multiple items. What I love about this subscription service is the fact that owner Jeri Warlick intuitively selects Crystal talisman necklaces for the subscriber, which basically means she picks the necklace for the individual, not for the masses.

Solar Plexus Citrine – This month I received Citrine, which is a naturally occurring yellow quartz that energizes all of the lower chakras, especially the Solar Plexus. The stone description says that it boosts confidence, optimism and an exuberant enjoyment of life. It can also help you move forward in life by making decisions and sticking to them.

Thoughts: Once again I feel like Jeri has picked out the perfect stone/necklace for me. The fact that it boosts confidence and optimism is exactly what I need right now. When you run 4 small businesses, and have no one to fall back on but yourself, your confidence tends to waiver from time to time. Citrine also helps you move forward in life by making decisions and sticking to them, which also applies to my life at the current time. I had to make a really tough decision a few weeks ago and have another biggie coming up next week. I think I will be wearing this little gem on a daily basis for the next few weeks……and I’m already looking forward to my next delivery from Chakra Love.