Date Mail Review November 2017

Date Mail is a date to door delivery service, they just made date night easier! A fresh date idea is mailed to your door every month, always a different theme and all with the intention of helping you slow down, laugh, love and create fun new memories with one another! Designed to help couples have fun in unique, meaningful ways, the products they use come from Canadian entrepreneurs whenever possible. They kindly sent us this box for review.

Umm… A date night box?! Perfect. We all need great ideas for those date nights, whether they be nights out or nights in. But I think we can all agree that the nights in are the most fun! This is where Date Mail comes in, they provide the ideas and you provide the setting. I can’t wait to see what this box is all about.

Game Time
Games on a date night are usually pretty fun, right? So, we have sent one that is simple, fun and may even have you learning new things about one another! Play nice…
What a fun idea! I’ve already read through a bunch of cards… is that cheating?… and I love the questions. Some are basic, some are sexy and some are just simple and funny! Whatever question you pull you’re bound to find out something new, laugh and ignite some conversation.

Flying Wishes
This is just pure fun! We wouldn’t normally encourage playing with fire, but this is a fun indoor idea (yes, it is meant for indoors!) and a fabulous way to literally light your dreams on fire! We recommend writing the same wishes as you put on the wish paper inside the card as a reminder of your date night and what you wished for together!
What?! This is so fun. My now hubby, and I wrote out a wish board prior to our wedding of all the things we dreamed of doing, achieving in our life together. It was such a touching, emotional and exciting thing to do! It also really helped us set in stone what our dreams were. This Flying Wishes kit does just this for anyone who is ready to declare their dreams! Such a great way to connect with your significant other.

Libido Booster & Massage Time
We suggest setting the mood for your date night with our ‘Hot n’ Heavy’ libido booster that was custom made for Date Mail and can be used as a body mist and/or spray for the bed sheets to help set a romantic ambience!
2 massage bars await you! One is hot chocolate scented and the other is non-scented so we could ensure there would be at least one that you enjoy. These massage bars will simply melt in your hands!
I am so ready for a massage and it’s not even Friday yet! These two products will go so great together for a super great date night in! Try throwing some of those game questions in the mix to lighten the mood and bring some laughs in!

There isn’t any information on the product card about this item. They smell delicious and I always appreciate a treat in a subscription box and on any date night. Maple happens to be one of my favourite flavours and I can’t wait to try them!

There doesn’t seem to be any product details on these items either. you can always use a candle on date night, especially a floating one for the tub! The chocolate face mask sounds delicious and I love the little bar of soap!
Date Mail November 2017 – Final Thoughts
What a fun box! I’ve looked over a few other reviews of this box and they all look pretty fun! As I mentioned above, new couples and long time lovers always need a little bit of creativity and ideas thrown into the mix to help keep things fresh! I can’t wait to try out these items and see where it leads. This box is still relatively new and I know it will only get better and better as times goes on!