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Fun Run Box Review January 2016

It’s another happy day here at A Year of Boxes. I get to review my very first Running Subscription box, and I couldn’t be more excited. If you read my blog on a regular basis, you already know a lot about me, but one thing I haven’t talked about prior to today is my love for running. And when I say love, I mean obsessed! I have a feeling Fun Run Box is going to become a new favourite.

If you aren’t familiar with Fun Run Box it is a virtual fun running challenge series subscription box or more simply put, a subscription box for runners. They motivate you to run by offering a monthly delivery of surprise goodies and challenges to help get you out there and have fun running! This box was provided complimentary for review and may include affiliate links.

The Box: Fun Run Box

Cost: $35 per month

What You Get: When you sign up, in your 1st box, you will receive an amazing welcome kit including a tech training themed shirt, monthly challenge card and other goodies. Each subsequent month a new box is sent to you with a monthly fun running themed challenge and new themed swag. The 6th monthly box is the awesome series finisher kit that includes a tech series finisher shirt, finisher medal, and much more amazing finisher themed swag. The following month, a new 6 month series starts the fun all over!

Ships to: Worldwide

Shipping Cost: FREE to US

When you sign up for a Fun Run Box subscription you get to choose your running level – beginner, intermediate, or advanced. I would LOVE to say I am advanced but I’m probably more of an intermediate. I’ve done two half marathons so my distance could be considered advanced but my speed is definitely more of an intermediate level…..but I’m working on it.

Fun Run Box isn’t just a subscription box, it’s also a training guide, so in our first box we receive a tech shirt, our first running challenge, as well as some other goodies.

Training Plan – From a runners perspective I like the way they have designed their challenge. It gives you 3 rest days per week, it gradually increases the time of your run, in the 2nd week they start to incorporate intervals, in the 4th week they start to incorporate hills, and they include extra things like stretching, music, and rewards. Basically they have everything covered.

Tech Shirt – This item was the big test for me, and they passed with flying colors. I absolutely hate it when something you purchase says it includes a workout shirt but then it ends up being cotton, unisex and way too big. This one is none of those things and it actually fits me…..they get bonus points for that.

Snacks – Snacks and supplements are extremely important when you run on a regular basis. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way by not consuming the proper amount of calories, vitamins, minerals and/or electrolytes. Here we have almonds for protein, a Clif Bar for carbs, Sport Beans for energy, and Gatorade for hydration.

Runner Essentials – These are my favourite kinds of items to receive because they are perfect little travel companions for my gym bag. The body glide is a definite must-have for runners, and the chapstick and sunscreen are perfect for anyone who exercises outdoors.

Thoughts: As I speculated above, Fun Run Box is definitely a new favourite. I’m a HUGE fan of any subscription box that caters to a healthy lifestyle, and this one does just that. It’s a bonus that it caters to a runners lifestyle because running is a huge part of my life. If it weren’t for the fact that runners need to take rest days, I could, and would, run every single day……sometimes I do. And from a running addicts perspective, this box is super fun. I think it is well-rounded, the challenge is easy to follow, and it provides the motivation needed to hit the pavement……love, love, love.


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