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Goddess Provisions Box Review August 2022

Goddess Provisions is a monthly subscription box that helps light up your soul and nourish your inner goddess to grow your spiritual practice. They kindly sent us this box for review.

Goddess Provisions was created as a way to share tools found to help connect with your divine feminine and grow your spiritual practice. They know we all share in the “busy-ness” of life, but believe in the importance of taking the time to manifest journal, meditate, frolick around in nature, pet kittens, practice yoga, have reiki healing sessions, do tarot card readings, drink green juice, write out the things we’re grateful for, check the astrology forecast and charge our crystals under the full moon. If you enjoy these simple pleasures too, they know you’re going to feel like their monthly box was curated just for you by a true soul sister.

Each month you’ll receive a thoughtfully curated box that contains 5-7 FULL SIZE products including items like crystals, aromatherapy, superfoods, apothecary beauty & spiritual tools. All items will be 100% vegan and cruelty-free because they cherish our furry friends. They consciously package each curation in kraft paper boxes made from 100% recycled materials that are printed on with plant-based inks. Also, for every box and boutique item sold, they plant a tree!

Subscription Details

There are 4 subscription options for Goddess Provisions:

Shipping to United States is free, Canadian shipping is $15, and International shipping is $25. First time subscribers will be shipped to by the 20th of the month. Ongoing subscribers boxes ship during the first week of each new month.

August Box Details (Total Value $119)

The August Goddess Provisions theme is “Treasures of the Tarot” which is such a fun theme! Often some bit of tarot related goods are included, but I love having a whole box of useful tools dedicated to this fascinating ritual.

Here’s a look at what’s in this month’s box:

Box Insert

I love this box’s insert! Every month they have new cover art created by their resident artist (@best.wiishes on IG) to match the theme and it’s always so beautiful. The inside of the insert contains product information, uses and value along with coupon codes from many of the creators. Opposite from the product information is further information about creating a tarot ritual to make this month’s tools even more useful. Overall it’s just so nice to look at and the cover art could totally be framed!

Tarot Altar Cloth ($22)

“Add a little mysticism to your readings with this tarot cloth illustrated with the four suits of tarot.”

Such a perfect altar cloth for tarot rituals! I love the sparkly purple design and how it incorporates the four suits to make it extra tarot themed. The ink is crystal infused too, so that makes it extra magical. This will be a great addition to my (soon-to-be!) tarot ritual setup.

Tarot Card Case ($35)

“Keep your favorite tarot or oracle deck protected with this vegan leather magnetic tarot case.”

What a cool and useful item for storing tarot cards! I’ve never received something like this before and it would be so useful not only for storing at home, but for if I ever want to bring cards along with me too. I love the embossed little designs all over it.

Holy Santo The Tea Tarot Fruit Blend ($10)

“Transform your morning or evening routine with this fruity blend of Lemon, Orange, Rose Hips, and Hibiscus. Scan the code on the back of your pouch to discover more about your free bonus tarot sticker.”

I really enjoy finding herbal teas in my boxes and this one sounds delicious. It sounds like it will taste bright, sweet, and a bit tart. I like the idea of incorporating tea into a tarot ritual and this blend seems inspiring and uplifting. I love that this tea came with a bonus tarot sticker too. The one I got is The World card. When I referenced their website I found The World card represents: “…completion, success, and fulfillment. When she arises in your Tarot Reading, The World shows you that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path.” While I don’t necessarily feel like I’ve reach some pinnacle of success, I do like that it’s a reminder I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. I’ll keep reminding myself that as I sip this tea!

The Star Air Freshener By An-Nhien Nguyen ($6)

“Symbolizing strength and hope, this Star tarot air freshener is made with plant-based essential oils to fill your space with fragrant vanilla.”

I’ve never been a big air freshener person, but mostly because they usually smell so strong with artificial aromas. This one is such a great alternative option as it’s plant based and only uses essential oils. It smells warm and sweet and the image is tarot-perfect. I love that the same artist that designed the included tarot cards also designed the image for this air freshener. And I love that they chose the star card for the imagery. The star card brings inspiration, hope and reminders of positivity and contentment.

Major Arcana Oracle Trading Cards ($22)

“Call on the wisdom of the major arcana to help guide you through life. Artwork by An-Nhien.”

I love these surprise collectable tarot card packs they’ve sent several times! This is the biggest one yet with the most cards. It’s actually the full set of major arcana cards, which is awesome. The designs are so pretty and mystical and will definitely make them even more fun to use.

October Occult The Star Clairvoyance Mist ($19)

“Create space for your intuitive practice with this magical mist combining Rose Quartz infused Full Moon water with Neroli, Jasmine, Orange Blossom, and Sandalwood.”

Oh this mist smells so, so delightful! It’s sweet, floral and warm and I just can’t stop smelling it. I can’t exactly explain what it smells like but it does seem like a very fitting aroma for what would match the sentiments of The Star card. It seems inspiring and hopeful, just like the card. This will be a great mist to spritz around for and uplift and to increase feelings of hope and positivity.

Raw Fluorite ($5)

“Clear negativity and embrace relaxation with this calming stone. Keep it near when making important decisions to maintain a balanced mindset. Note: This stone is not water-safe.”

Wow! What a pretty crystal. This is one of my favorite colors and I just love that a stone in nature is this color. I don’t think I have something like this is my collection so I’m super glad to add it. Plus I really appreciate that it’s a negativity clearer, a good stone to keep around at all times.

Final Thoughts

I just love this month’s Goddess Provisions theme and box contents. I’m pretty novice at tarot reading and it’s always something I’m intrigued by and want to know more and more about so I’m always glad to get more tools to learn with via this box. This is such a beautifully curated and useful collection this month. It’s not always that every single item really relates to the theme, but the tie-ins are on point this month, everything is tartot-perfect. I really enjoy the tea, the mist, lovely tarot cards and the unique tarot card case. Now I’ve really got to set up a permanent little space to get in the habit of a tarot ritual and I know this box will help!

The Botanic Gal –

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