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HelloFresh Canada Review: Creamy Butternut Squash and Sage Gratin

HelloFresh Canada delivers fresh ingredients and healthy, chef-curated recipes based on seasonal farm fresh ingredients straight to your doorstep each week. Every week HelloFresh members choose three meals from a selection of award-winning, constantly-changing recipes (say goodbye to recipe boredom!). 

We recently reviewed our October HelloFresh Canada delivery and now we are showing you the first of three recipes from our monthly delivery. Oh, and if you aren’t familiar with HelloFresh Canada you can get all the details in THIS POST.

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Let’s have a look at today’s recipe:

Creamy Butternut Squash and Sage Gratin with Cremini Mushrooms and Honey-Dijon Green Salad

Oh how we could sing the praises of butternut and sage, they go together like a culinary love story! The sweet, warm flavours of this blissful dish will wrap you up like a warm hug and have you going back for more!



Notes: Butternut squash is my favourite, especially this time of year, I also happen to LOVE sage. I found this recipe easy to make, thanks to the pre-cut veggies, and the flavour was wonderful. The sage really pulled everything together and added a little punch. I substituted vegan parm & sour cream but other than that I followed the recipe exactly. The serving size was perfect for lunch, with leftovers for dinner. A warm, comforting meal perfect for Fall.


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