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HelloFresh Canada Review: Crispy Garlic Thin-Crust Pizza

HelloFresh Canada delivers fresh ingredients and healthy, chef-curated recipes based on seasonal farm fresh ingredients straight to your doorstep each week. Every week HelloFresh members choose three meals from a selection of award-winning, constantly-changing recipes (say goodbye to recipe boredom!). 

We recently reviewed our September HelloFresh Canada delivery and now we are showing you our second recipe from our monthly delivery. Our first recipe (Hearty Lentil Salad) was a total success. It was quick, easy, healthy and delicious. In the last recipe post we also told you how HelloFresh Canada works hard at reducing their footprint. Here’s a few more fun facts about this recipe delivery service…..

I’ll give you some more fun facts about HelloFresh Canada in the next recipe post……stay tuned!

Oh, and if you aren’t familiar with HelloFresh Canada you can get all the details in THIS POST.

Let’s have a look at today’s recipe:

Crispy Garlic Thin-Crust Pizza

What’s better than pizza? Thin-crust pizza! This one is even more special because we’ve topped it with garlic oil to give it added flavour.




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