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Know Yourself Adventure Series Subscription Review February 2016

I reviewed my first Know Yourself Adventure Series in December, and it was quite the experience. A lot of work and effort goes into this subscription, that’s for sure. Since it was a new subscription for me last time, and it contained a lot of different activities, I found myself feeling a little overwhelmed. However, now that I know what to expect, and have familiarized myself with the process, I feel a lot better going into this review than I did with the first.

If you aren’t familiar with The Know Yourself Adventure Series it brings to life a lively and educational experience that helps children learn about their body from the inside out. Delivered monthly, each adventure in the series includes an original comic book, science experiments, historical lessons and healthy recipes all designed around engaging core content to give children the information they need to learn about vital systems of the body, while also bringing hours of fun and productive entertainment to their families.

The Box: Know Yourself Adventure Series

Cost: $35 per month

What You Get: Monthly bundles include an original comic book, an adventure guide, science experiments, a history lesson, and themed recipes that give your child the information they need to understand the many systems of the body. . .while also bringing hours of productive entertainment to your family.

Ships to: US

Shipping Cost: FREE to US

I can already tell I’m going to like this month’s Adventure Series much better than the last. I LOVE the fact that it came in a backpack, and I love the fact that you can color on the backpack…my nephew is going to go crazy for this. I can also tell from first glance that we will be learning about bones, and that is something that I personally find very interesting.

First up we just have a few little product cards for different books you will find available for sale on their website. It appears that they all go with this month’s theme which is kind of fun.

Time Skaters Full-Color Educational Comic – We receive a comic in every Adventure Series. I like the idea of this because it will get your child excited about reading.

Adventure Guide with Healthy Recipes, Science, and Social Experiments – This month’s Adventure Series destination is Rome. Each month they focus on a new destination which allows your child to learn about different countries around the world.

Build a Skeleton – I couldn’t find any instructions to go along with this item but I’m assuming we are to make a skeleton by punching out the pieces and using the pins to hold to together. I absolutely love the idea of this and think my nephew will have fun with it. Who am I kidding….I will have fun with it.

Deck of Cards – This is my favourite item in the bag and I’m very tempted to keep them for myself. They can be used as a regular deck of cards but each one also has a picture of a different bone, tells you what it is, and a little bit about what it does. This would have come in handy when I did my weight training course as we had to learn every bone in the human body. I love flashcards!

Thoughts: This month’s Adventure Series is super fun!! And I can say that with confidence because I actually want to do some of the activities myself. It’s definitely an improvement over the last series I reviewed. I still feel like there is a lot going on, but I love that it is based around the human skeleton and that it will help your child learn about all the bones in our bodies. The only thing I would have liked to see in this month’s series is an outline or product card. It might be obvious what we are supposed to do with the cards and the skeleton, but at the same time I wonder if I am missing something and that there’s a little more to them than meets the eye. I would love to see a step-by-step guide in the next series….but overall this is a huge improvement from my first review.


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