Lillypost Review December 2021

Lillypost is a monthly book subscription box that sends children’s books to your door! Each month, tiny fingers will discover carefully curated books, a note, and stickers for fun! They kindly sent us this box for review.

Full disclosure, there was a mix-up with my Lillypost delivery this month and we were sent the picture book box by accident. Lillypost contacted us immediately, which was very proactive of them, and told us about the mix-up. I thought I would still share the box with you because this will actually give us all an idea as to what we can expect from the picture book subscription as opposed to the board book subscription that I usually receive.

Subscription Details
Lillypost was founded on the idea that reading is fundamental to the development of every child. The love of books and learning starts early in life and what better way to ignite that love, than a child receiving an entirely new set of books every month? Discover books for the special little one in your life from newborn to 7 years old at up to 70% off retail price!
What You Get: Each box includes 4 board books or 3 picture books (or a mix of both!) to engage and entertain.
Lillypost Gives Back – For every box that is purchased, Lillypost will donate one book to a child in need through various charities.

Here’s a peek at the books I received in our December Lillypost box. This month we are reviewing the Picture Book subscription, or actually, now that I am looking at the books, I think this might be the mixed subscription.
School of Fish
Did you know that a group of fish is called a school? Look inside and join in the fun as you discover the names for other groups of animals, from a crash of rhinos to a tower of giraffes.
Along with the mix-up this month also came a repeat book. This is one we have received in a previous board book delivery so we will gift this to one of Steven’s friends. We have read this book often and I myself actually found it educational. I had no clue a group of rhinos was referred to as a “crash”.
When the stork drops an egg before delivering it to its parents the little animal’s first words are EEE-MOO. So, a cow, pig, horse, and other furry friends who watch him hatch decide he is an emu and Australia is his home. Good friends that they are, they offer to help him get there. So EEE-MOO’s journey begins, and along the way he meets a cast of other animal friends who guide him to the open arms of his family. But when he gets there, he realizes something is missing.
The cutest little story with the cutest illustrations. I’m a sucker for beautiful books with adorable storylines. These are the ones I picture Steven and I reading when he is a little older. Curled up on his bed, cuddled under the blankets. These are also the books I imagine holding on to.
Woodland Creature – Sticker Book
Have fun completing the sticker and colouring activities in this book. Press out the card pages at the back of the book to create a cute card and some press-out pals. With over 250 stickers to use!
I love, love, love that we received an activity book. Now that Steven is more active, inquisitive and craving stimulation, these are the things I am coming to appreciate.
Little Mole’s Wish
Grandma says a shooting star makes your wish come true……
Ok….how adorable is this?! “On a wintery day, a lonely little mole befriends a snowball.” I am already in love with this book!

Lillypost Review December 2021 – Final Thoughts
What a fun selection of books! My December Lillypost box may have started out as a “mistake” but I’m actually really loving the fact that I got to experience the mixed book subscription option. I love that it included an activity book, something that this Mama appreciates very much. Steven is still too young for a couple of these books but it makes me excited for the time in which we can officially change from the board book subscription option to the picture book subscription option.
And……how adorable and thoughtful is the wrapping paper!?
-AYOB Sarah