Little Life Box Review May 2016

Little Life Box is happiness in a box. You all know it is one of my favourites, and I love the fact that it is a Canadian company. This little box is a monthly reminder to stay healthy, and it’s a pleasure to go through. I always discover new products and new brands. And…..I actually like researching the items we receive, it doesn’t ever feel like a chore.
If you aren’t familiar with Little Life Box it is a Canadian subscription box that gives you the opportunity to sample and experience new green, organic and health conscious products in a convenient and fun way that saves you money. Little Life Box kindly sent me this box to review.

The Box: Little Life Box
Cost: $19
What You Get:
- Original: The original blend of healthy alternative products which can include Gluten-Free items, Vegan, Non-GMO, Organic, etc.
- Vegan: We fill your box with great quality products that we think you’ll love, that to the best of our knowledge meet the highest of Vegan standards.
Ships to: CANADA
Shipping Cost: $8

I was kind of surprised when I pick up my Little Life Box this month……it was heavy. And when I opened it I was surprised once again……it was packed to the brim. So far things look very promising.

Soybutter (Wowbutter) – This is an alternative to peanut butter that tastes just as good, minus the peanuts. It’s made with toasted soy, so it’s a great alternative for anyone who is looking to stay away from peanuts. I spread this on graham crackers or apples… good!
Sweetener Sample Kit (Wholesome Sweet) – Normally I’m not a fan of small samples but this little kit is awesome! I will put some of these in my purse or take them on my road trips. It includes – Organic Pancake Syrup, Organic Coconut Palm Syrup, Organic Blue Agave, Organic Stevia, Natural Raw Cane Turbinado Sugar, Organic Coconut Palm Sugar and Organic Cane Sugar.
Dried Fruit – Exotic (Level Ground) – This is a mixture of dried dragon fruit, golden berry & coconut and will be perfect for roads trips or my gym bag. I also like to chop up dried fruit and put it in my homemade breakfast bars.
Coconut Chips (Hungry Buddha) – Coconut chips are my jam! I love these things and don’t know how I survived without them in my life. They are perfect when you need a treat but don’t want to eat “bad for you” stuff.
Energy Water (Guru) – I am super excited about this item. I love the idea of energy drinks but stay away from them due to all the weird ingredients they are made with. However, this one is organic and made with caffeine from green tea.
Coffee – Lush (Ethical Bean) – I don’t get too excited about coffee in subscription boxes, but at the same time, it’s a necessity, and some thing I ALWAYS need more of.
Dressing (Maison Orphée) – Oh my gosh, I might have peed my pants a little. I can’t remember the last time I had caesar salad thanks to the fact that it is not suitable for us high maintenance vegans. But……..this dressing is perfectly acceptable for us “Veggies” and I can’t wait to use it.
Flat-out Loofah (Urban Spa) – It’s always exciting to see bath products in the box, it makes for a fun mixture of items.
Golden Berry Energy Mix (FOODFIX) – I eat trail mix like it’s going out of style, so obviously I’m glad to see this in the box, and it’s a pretty good mixture if you ask me. It has almonds, cashews, walnuts, dried cranberries, and chocolate chips.
Cliff Trail Mix Bar – I’ve had this before and it’s definitely a favourite. It’s a mixture of dark chocolate, cherry and almonds, and is already in my purse……for emergencies.
Thoughts: I have to say, this is by far my favourite box from Little Life Box thus far. I’ve received a couple over the last few months that have been a little lackluster, but this one more than makes up for it. I was surprised to see so many products in the box, and so many good ones at that. The dressing is amazing and I really hope to see more products like this in future boxes (hint, hint). I’m always happy with my Little Life Boxes, but this month’s box makes me more than happy…….#happinesssquared
Little Life Box
Little Life Box is a subscription box that includes 8-12 new healthy beauty, skincare, snacks & wellness items to discover every season.