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Little Life Box Review Summer 2021

Little Life Box is a seasonal subscription box from Canada. It gives you the opportunity to sample and experience new natural, health conscious and mostly organic products in a convenient and fun way that saves you money. You receive, every 3 months, around 8 to 12 products (mostly full size), most of them coming from Canadian companies. I love it when Canadian boxes put Canadian products upfront!

If you want to try Little Life Box out, you can choose between two options: subscribe for one season at a time at $49.95 per season (you can cancel anytime, and shipping is free) or pay $179.80 annually ($44.95/season) so you will receive one box every 3 months. I would greatly recommend the annual option since you cannot be disappointed with LLB and that makes you save $20.

*Little Life Box kindly sent me this box for review.

The first thing we find in the box is a cute list of the items. It is simple, but it gives all the information we need and makes the global value of the box easier to see without having to search every item online. Let me show you all 10 items I received.

Silk Scrunchie – Puur Cosmetics

The color of this scrunchie is beautiful. I was worried at first that since it is made of silk, it would drop easily from my hair, but the elastic is strong and keeps everything in place. I could not find this product on Puur Cosmetics website, but I was happy to learn that it is a Canadian company. Their cosmetic line looks interesting and I hope Little Life Box plans to add one of their skin care products in a future box.

Calming Sparkling Beverage – Zero dB

What an interesting beverage. From what I understand, it is meant to have a calming effect and to quiet the hamster wheel in your head. That would allow a peaceful moment to concentrate on one project or be more focused on a task that benefits having all your attention like studying or creating a new song. The calming effect comes from different plant extracts like Schisandra and Echinacea. I love the design of the can and find the idea behind it intriguing.

Outdoor Adventure Mist – Jubel Naturals

There are two types of people: those who attract mosquitoes as if they were the yummiest treat in the world and those who don’t (or barely). Unfortunately, my blood seems to be the tasty type. The Outdoor Adventure Mist is the kind of product I bring with me when I go camping or rock climbing. This bug repellent is made of pure essential oils, is vegan and Canadian. That makes it an excellent item for a Summer box.

Bamboo Toothbrush – Ola Bamboo

“Bamboo is the best material to replace plastic items of everyday use. It is renewable, natural, strong, durable, and biodegradable. Bamboo has natural antibacterial properties and is grown without the use of chemicals.”

Most items I tried from Ola Bamboo came from Little Life Box. This company from Quebec makes a large array of quality products made from bamboo. This one is a toothbrush with soft bristles. Bamboo being compostable, after three months of use, you can remove the bristles and put the handle in compost.

Effervescent Vitamin C Tabs – Nutrazul

Vitamin C supplement is not something I personally need. There is vitamin C in fruits in veggies, so if you eat your daily requirement of those, you should be fine. I still find the concept of vitamins added to effervescent tablets interesting. You simply add a tablet to 250 ml of water and drink it. A multivitamin (Nutrazul also makes those) in that shape looks fun to take, especially for those like me who hate to take pills. So, even if vitamin C is not my first choice, I am happy to discover this brand.

Superfood Face Mask – 7th Heaven

7th Heaven masks are often seen in this box, but it is always a new sort of mask. The Superfood Matcha and Chia Clay Mask has an anti-oxidant and moisturising effect. Seeing chia in a mask (or any skin care product in fact) is a first for me, but I will gladly test this moisturising effect.

Waterproof Mascara – Laritzy

Makeup is not my priority these days, but I do put on some mascara a few days a week, so I was pleased to find this waterproof mascara from Laritzy. The brush separates my eyelashes almost perfectly and it does not get all clumped up. Another nice product from Laritzy to add to my collection.

Ivory Tattoo Pack – Inked by Dani

These look very nice and since we get to show a little more skin during the hot Summer days, it is a good item to add to this box. The 20 hand drawn designs are lovely and all white. However, I wonder if it will be visible on my fair skin.

Hand Soap – Canus Soaps

This hand soap has been on the market for quite some time and I am pretty sure I have bought some in the past, but what looks new is the added Lavender oil. It smells divine and after a wash, my hands kept a pleasant Lavender smell. It is also made with fresh goat milk that acts as a natural moisturiser. Since we wash our hands quite a few times a day, I can’t say no to a good hand soap.

Soothing Cleansing Milk – Dr Hauschka

Last but not least, the soothing cleansing milk from Dr Hauschka. I have tried Dr Hauschka’s products a long time ago and fell in love with all the skin care products I had used. The only reason I did not rebuy was the high price, which did not go along with my budget at that time. This cleansing milk is perfect for my sensitive skin and it is made of only natural ingredients. It makes a nice introduction to the product line of natural cosmetics from this company.

Little Life Box Summer 2021 Review – Final Thoughts

There were so many products to discover in the Summer Little Life Box. The value of this box was close to a hundred dollars and I liked everything. In a seasonal box, I like it when most of the items are related to or can be used in the upcoming season, which is the case with this box. I can already picture myself showing off a beautiful tattoo from Inked by dani and my new silk scrunchie. There were many new interesting products as well that I will happily try like the calming beverage and the mask with chia seeds from 7th Heaven. Little Life Box has once again put together another amazing box.

Jacynthe Létourneau –

Little Life Box

Little Life Box is a subscription box that includes 8-12 new healthy beauty, skincare, snacks & wellness items to discover every season.

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