mintMONGOOSE Review March 2021

mintMONGOOSE is a monthly jewelry subscription that sends you high quality, limited edition jewelry pieces, curated to your preferences. Turn heads with adorable, now-trending pieces that will take your favorite outfits to the next level!
What You Get: mintMONGOOSE subscribers will receive 3 mintMONGOOSE-exclusive pieces of adorable, high-quality jewelry (with a retail value of $40+) for just $15.99+s/h! mintMONGOOSE subscribers will receive customized jewelry based on their preferences with the ability to choose silver, rose gold, or gold jewelry, (or a surprise preference to change it up from month to month), earrings or no earrings, watches, or no watches. mintMONGOOSE subscribers will also receive an awesome free gift every three months (think a pair of fun socks, must-have hair accessory, or adorable pair of sunglasses!)
Each month mintMONGOOSE will release a piece as a spoiler and the other two jewelry pieces will come as a surprise! Save for yourself, share with your friends, or give an adorable gift to a loved one!
mintMONGOOSE offers two different subscription packages: mintMONGOOSE ($15.99/month) and mintMONGOOSE BLACK ($22.99/month). mintMONGOOSE ships worldwide from California on the 15th of every month with free US shipping or low-cost international shipping! Your first box will ship within 48 hours or less of placing your order.

*They kindly sent us this mintMONGOOSE package to review*
I am a huge jewelry fan and always sport necklaces and earrings. This month’s package features silver jewelry…I love silver as it goes with anything!

This mintMONGOOSE package was delivered in a blue mailer and inside there was a product card and a white cardstock envelope wrapped with a ribbon and stamped with a wax seal with their mintMONGOOSE logo. I love that mintMONGOOSE always includes a candy treat, too.

This month’s set is inspired by the “Glass Half Full” mentality.

The product card reads:
“It takes absolutely no effort to see the obstacles in front of us, the challenges life throws our way, and the summits we have to climb to reach what is on the other side. This is most often because the negatives in this life are usually associated with pain. When you have a splinter, you don’t feel the 9 fingers that are kicking butt and taking names, you feel the one that has that little piece of wood raining on the whole parade.
I designed this set to resemble the truth of life that when there is one thing working against you, or causing pain, there are 8 things working FOR you (resembled by the 8 circles on the necklace. The large bottom pendant is meant to remind you that, although not always easy, remembering to keep a “glass half full” mentality is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. I wanted this set to scream a visualization of all the good, amazing things we have going for us so that in the dark times we may remember the goodness that so vastly outweighs the negatives. For every one negative working against us there are 8, or more, positives cheering us on, pushing us forward, and painting our days a beautiful color.
Although it is a small example, and rather humorous in comparison, my daughter’s complete hatred towards tomatoes is what pushed me to make this set. Anytime we put them on her plate: freak-out. However, it didn’t take too many implications that tomatoes were delicious, brother loves them, and mommy loves them before she gave them another try. While they still aren’t her favorite veggie, changing her perspective towards them has helped tremendously. We have that same power within ourselves: changing our perspective.
I hope you enjoy this set and join me in kicking the “glass half empty” mentality to the curb.”
I can relate to the inspiration of this month’s set. I am not one for toxic positivity, but I do try my best to look on the bright side and find the positives in every situation.

Inside the envelope, the jewelry was packaged in teal tissue paper and there was a “thank you” business card with their social media channels listed on the other side.

Each jewelry piece was individually bubble-wrapped, in a small plastic bag and had a mintMONGOOSE tag attached. This is a nice touch if you wanted to give a piece to someone else.

This month I received two necklaces with matching earrings in silver. Let’s take a closer look at the pieces:
This necklace was the spoiler piece released by mintMONGOOSE earlier in March. Helena chose this piece for this month’s curation as she felt that the eight circles embody things that are still working or going right for you when one thing goes wrong or is negative. She also explains how the large bottom pendant can act as a reminder to keep a ‘glass half full’ mentality to help you through those tough situations or moments. This necklace is nice and long, and it has a few adjustable lengths. It is simple and stylish and I love the geometric shapes as I feel like they are abstract and very ‘in’ right now.
These earrings match both necklaces well and could be worn with both, either one separately, or on their own. They are quite dangly and might get in the way of my mask, but post-mask times, they will be great. As always, they are versatile and can be dressed both up and down to suit almost any occasion.
This necklace is shorter than the other necklace, and is more my style. It is unique, simple and just what I have been searching for. It sits perfectly under my collarbone and has three adjustable lengths. It is similar to the earrings and other necklace, and it could be worn together with them or stand out on its own. Love!

The March 2021 mintMONGOOSE package had three trendy silver jewelry pieces that fit the “Glass Half Full” theme well. All three pieces could be worn together or separately and would go well with many outfits. My favourite piece is the shorter necklace and I haven’t taken it off since receiving it. The value was not provided for each piece, but I would happily pay $15.99 for this set. The MintMONGOOSE subscription would be great for anyone who already loves jewelry or is looking to add to their collection without breaking the bank!
Hayley Savanna –