Miss Musclebox Review August 2021

Mix gym apparel, a workout routine, tasty but healthy food and fitness accessories and you just made a perfect box for anyone aiming for a well-balanced life with exercises and healthy habits. That balance can be hard to sustain for a long period of time and from my experience, a little incentive can always be helpful to keep pushing yourself in the right way. This month, the Miss Musclebox training program is not strict and allows you to play more outside to benefit from the beautiful Summer days.

This month’s Miss Musclebox is a beautiful lilac. Every box I have received yet was a different vibrant color, and that gives Miss Musclebox a little something special. Every box is filled with quality products and professional workout routines at a very reasonable price. The value of the box is over the double of the subscription price. Here are the details for this subscription:
- $22.99/month + $7 shipping in the US, international shipping price varies
- Miss Musclebox donates $1 from every box to Paradise 4 Kids

Miss Musclebox kindly sent me this box for review. Here is what I received this month and what I thought of the products…

T-shirt – Muscle Nation
This is my first piece of clothing from Muscle Nation and I will not mind getting more from them. It is a quality t-shirt, very flattering and comfortable to wear. My top size is small, and it fits perfectly. It is fitted, and the v-neck looks nice.

There is Muscle Nation written on the front and the logo at the back. Also, it is the first item I got in color (the other pieces I received were in white, black and grey). This will be a great addition to my workout clothes drawer.

Good To Go Bars
These bars are favourites of mine. I discovered them a year ago when I tried the Keto diet and I kept buying this brand because they are not only tasty and soft, but also nutritious and make a filling snack. It separates into four bites and one or two bites is sometimes enough for me. Also, one bar is only 170 calories, it is vegan, filled with fibers and protein and is peanut free. That makes a good snack for the kid’s lunch box too.

Protein Bar – Blue Dinosaur
This bar is new to me, and I have not seen that brand before. It looks a bit dense to the touch and very consistent. Here is the list of ingredients: peanut butter, egg whites, collagen, MCT oil, dates and maple syrup. I will keep this one for a long hike or a very strenuous climbing day when a protein and energy boost are needed. It is not sold as a Keto bar, but the added MCT oil, collagen and the 25 grams of protein could make you think it is. If you follow a strict Keto diet, know that it contains 9 grams of sugar (mostly due to the added maple syrup).
Ankle Socks – Miss Musclebox
Slice of life: I almost bought new pairs of socks a few weeks ago, and I resisted. My intuition was telling me to wait, and it was right to do so!
These new ankle socks are perfect and are exactly what I needed. Since they are invisible in training shoes, there is no need to match them to your outfit (except if you feel like it). I did not have such low-cut ankle socks and was pleased when I tried these. With the little sticky part behind the heel, the sock stays in place and they are very comfortable.
*Photo taken from the PDF booklet
Monthly workout – The Great Outdoors
There are a lot of options for this month’s challenge with an emphasis on working out outside.
No calendar to follow this month, but a suggestion of 5 different outdoor workouts you can do whenever you want. There is cardio, HIIT, biking, CrossFit and a circuit. Lots of options and a vitamin D boost for you! I will personally start a new workout routine indoors next week, but since the weather is getting a little cooler, I will keep the biking idea and go for a few rides.

Miss Musclebox August 2021 Review – Final Thoughts
It was a simple box this month, but only with good quality items and yummy snacks. The clothing items are what I prefer, and the shirt plus the three pairs of socks were nice. The fit for both is perfect and they will match clothes that I already have. As for the snacks, the Good to Go bars are excellent, so I was glad to receive two of them, and I am curious to try the other one. This month’s workout suggestions looked more relaxed, which seems perfect for August as we are going back to school/work, and that might not be the perfect time for everyone to start a strict exercise regiment. Overall, another great box from Miss Musclebox.
Jacynthe Létourneau – https://www.instagram.com/miss_minamie/
Miss Musclebox
Miss Musclebox is a monthly subscription box tailored for women. Every month you will receive unique bodybuilding and fitness products.