My Paper Box Review April 2019: Mini Subscription

My Paper Box is a personalized stationary subscription that offers two types of boxes: the mini one, where you receive 3 personalized notepads each month with different designs and themes, and the Grand Box, with a wide selection of stationary items, including notepads, stickers, greeting cards, and more. The Mini Box starts at $10 per month and the Grand Box is $30. Now they also added an option to get your box bi-monhly as well if you so prefer.

I have been loving My Paper Box! Each month is so different from the previous one in color, theme and items. They really innovate when it comes to paper goods and ideas.
The Mini Subscription is completely different to the Grand Box, so if you were to get both, you won’t receive repeated items.
The April Mini Sub followed the Earth Day theme with off white paper notepads and a delicate floral design.

As usual, we received three notepads:

Shopping Budget Notepad
My least favorite, lol. Who likes to actually budget shopping? Not me, but alas, it’s necessary so this notepad comes in super handy for us planner girls, stationary addicts or sub box lovers.

Self Care Plan Notepad
I loved this notepad! Such a great idea to include one of these since we tend to forget about self-care in the midst of all we have to do. I like that it gives us plenty of tips and different areas to jot down ideas. It also has a water intake tracker.

Around the House Plan Notepad
This notepad is awesome and super useful to me. It gives different areas of a home to tackle on chores. Definitely something I could use to improve.
All these are pretty spacious this month, most fit an a5 binder if you wanted to hole punch the pages There’s not a lot of margin for holes though. These are perfect to have on your desk or kitchen counter! Loved this month’s My Paper Box a lot and can’t wait to use these notepads! Especially the self-care one!
Lucia Metcalf –