My Paper Box Review February 2019

Last month My Paper Box kindly sent me the Mini Subscription that included 3 personalized notepads. This month, instead and to my surprise, I received the Grand Box, which is a full size box of personalized stationary products. I got a ton of amazing paper goodies. A few days later I received the mini sub containing three adorable notepads! I wasn’t expecting both to come this month but I can’t say I’m disappointed. I love everything they do.

The mini My Paper Box sub comes in this cute metallic envelope with a huge sticker in the front that says the month and year, what type of subscription it is and a hint of the theme.

Inside there was a postcard with a thank you note from the owners and lots of love from them.

The three notepads included this month followed the Love theme from the big box, but none of the items were similar or repeats. This means that you can choose to sub to both and you’ll get different items to enjoy.

When you subscribe you let them know your name or whatever you want to show on your letterhead and stationary and that’s it! Leave it up to them to design and create some stunning paper stationary items.
The first notepad is a gorgeous neon pink to do list, divided into sections to add different categories as you need. Some could be used for list making, jotting down thoughts, or reminders.

The second note pad is a weekly meal planner that is super nifty and useful. It’s divided into the days of the week, printed with the cutest font and with a purple banner at the top.

The third notepad was the cutest doodle pad that reads “Lucia’s Doodle Pad”. It’s decorated with hand drawn hearts and goodies and a line of hearts on the side so that it can also be used for list making. Perfect to keep on top of the counter or desk to have in handy when those breakthrough creative ideas come in.
Another beautifully and personalized month from My Paper Box for only $10!
Lucia Metcalf –