Nature’s Wellness Box Review April 2021

Nature’s Wellness Box is an aromatherapy-focused, lifestyle & wellness subscription box that features 5-6 full-size, non-toxic, natural, vegan and cruelty-free products with a value of $80 or more! Your Nature’s Wellness Box will be filled with all things to help you de-stress through self-care including essential oils, natural health products, healthy snacks – everything you need to match your healthy and chemical-free lifestyle.

**Nature’s Wellness Box kindly sent me this beautiful box for review**
I have loved all the Nature’s Wellness Boxes to date, so cannot wait to see what this box has to offer. The products have all been so useful and of high quality, so this box is always like I’m receiving a gift each month!
Nature’s Wellness Box has new packaging – Now both the cardboard box and printed tissue paper that wraps the products have a beautiful pattern of coloured leaves with plumeria flowers. According to Nature’s Wellness Box website, “In the Hawaiian culture, the plumeria symbolizes positivity and new beginnings.” They hope that their Nature’s Wellness Box subscription will bring positivity into your home and life.

This month’s Nature’s Wellness Box did not come with a product card, but I was able to easily find out about the products online.
Let’s take a look inside…
YVORA CO. Blue Light Defence Hydration Face Cream
“This cream increases collagen and protects the skin against stress and ageing due to exposure to blue light that is emitted from the sun, television, phone and computer.”
I never considered needing protection from light other than sunlight, but it makes sense. I have been using this crema and my facial skin appears happy, moisturized and smooth. This cream retails for $58!
FALLEN FOREST Essential Oil Trio Holder
“This essential oil holder is perfect for small spaces like the nightstand, desk and/or bathroom to hold your top three go-to essential oils.”
I love the simplicity of this holder and it’s from an Etsy shop! The retail value is listed at $14.
NATURE’S Lemon Grass Essential Oil
“This is a lovely Lemon Grass essential oil by Nature’s Wellness Box.”
Lemon Grass essential oil uplifts and calms the mind, is antifungal, cools and is anti-inflammatory. This oil smells amazing and it is new to my collection. I have heard it is really great to use in homemade natural cleaning products due to its antifungal properties. Fun fact: I just learnt that you can diffuse lemongrass to keep the pesky mosquitoes away! I could not find a retail value for it on their website, but I presume it would be approximately $12.

LARABAR Cashew Bar
“This 3-ingredient treat is a simple blend of cashews, dates and apples.”
Surprisingly, I loved it! It was a nice snack that held me over to dinner after my workout. This Larabar retails for around $1-2 each.
DUCKISH Lavender Lotion Stick
“Did you know that traditional lotion is up to 85% water? Our moisturizing lotion sticks are water-free, so they’re 5X more concentrated! They’re jam-packed with hydrating goodness from organic shea butter and organic coconut oil, among many other fantastic all-natural ingredients. What’s more, they won’t leak in your pocket. Or your bag. Or your purse. Or just about anywhere you put them, really. And you can take them on the plane!”
This lotion stick is exquisite. It smells divine and works wonders for my dry skin! It is easy to apply and I can put it on my dry spots without getting my hands all sticky. The retail value for this lotion stick is $14.99.

The April Nature’s Wellness Box was filled with five full-size products for a total value of approximately $98. Thanks to Nature’s Wellness Box, I was introduced to new products that are natural, vegan, non-toxic and cruelty-free! I really love the Duckish Lavender Lotion Stick the most, but am super happy with all of the items included this month! If Nature’s Wellness Box is calling to you, you can subscribe for a month-to-month subscription or bi-monthly or every three months, for only $44.99 CAN per month.
Hayley Savanna –
Unfortunately this is a scam. They do not send you boxes! I have only received 1 out of the 6 I paid for back in February.
They moved to a quarterly format in January of this year. So you should be receiving your next box sometime this month for the summer season. They also have great customer service, so I suggest sending them an email to clarify.