Nature’s Wellness Box Review March 2021

Nature’s Wellness Box is an aromatherapy-focused, lifestyle & wellness subscription box that features 5-6 full-size, non-toxic, natural, vegan and cruelty-free products with a value of $80 or more! Your Nature’s Wellness Box will be filled with all things to help you de-stress through self-care including essential oils, natural health products, healthy snacks – everything you need to match your healthy and chemical-free lifestyle.

**Nature’s Wellness Box kindly sent me this beautiful box for review**
I have loved all the Nature’s Wellness Boxes to date, so cannot wait to see what this box has to offer. The products have all been so useful and of high quality, so this box is always like I’m receiving a gift each month!

Nature’s Wellness Box has new packaging – Now both the cardboard box and printed tissue paper that wraps the products have a beautiful pattern of coloured leaves with plumeria flowers. According to Nature’s Wellness Box website, “In the Hawaiian culture, the plumeria symbolizes positivity and new beginnings.” They hope that their Nature’s Wellness Box subscription will bring positivity into your home and life.

The theme for the March Nature’s Wellness Box is “Celebrating the Spring Equinox.”
“The Spring Equinox is a powerful seasonal day, celebrated by ancient peoples all throughout human history. By March 20, the world north of the equator is in bloom again. Fresh buds push through the skeletons of trees, soon to be resurrected. The humble primroses and hellebores grow in woodlands after the yellow daffodils and before the sea of bluebells, soon to come. Blossoms appear on trees like fairy lanterns, heralding the coming summer revelry before falling away, a preview of the perpetual cycle of life and death we are to witness. We know that in the coming months we will see a return of orchard fruits and berries and edible plants, hopefully in great abundance.
For many of us it’s a time to think about the year ahead, the summer, and the changes we want to make; it’s an opportunity to do a spot of ‘spring cleaning’, both physically and metaphorically. The first paragraph of a classic of Children’s Literature, The Wind in the Willows, describes it well:
‘The Mole had been working very hard all morning, spring-cleaning his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders and steps and chairs, with a brush and a pail of whitewash; till he had dust in his throat and eyes, and splashes of whitewash all over his black fur, and an aching back and weary arms. Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.’”
The product card then goes on to explain that Spring brings new energy and healing. I would have to agree as with the sunshine, new blooms, and growth – the darkness does not last forever.

Nature’s Wellness Box product card shows photos and details about the products, including price and ingredients.
“Restore and strengthen weak, brittle nails with our silica-rich Sage Nail Balm. Behind the subtle citrus aroma lies the powerful combination of two ancient, farm-grown herbs: sage and horsetail. Once called ‘Sage the Saviour’ in the Middle Ages, sage is still valued today for its healing and medicinal properties, while horsetail – a much-disdained weed of gardeners – is one of the richest plant sources of silica, promoting collagen production for healthy skin and nails.”
We received an Okanagan Herb & Lavender Farm lavender sample last month and I was excited to see another one of their products represented this month. As an art teacher, I wash my hands very often, many times a day, and this sage nail balm has been a true lifesaver. My hands were so dry previously, mainly my cuticles, and after only a week’s regular use, I have seen a big improvement. This nail balm comes in a 100% biodegradable container and is made with essential oils. The smell is very pleasant and surprisingly light.
WAY OF WILL Face Mask Spray ($10)
“This refreshing face mask spray helps to keep your mask smelling clean and crisp throughout the day and in between washes. It’s enriched with exhilarating, purifying, comforting Lemon essential oil so you can feel renewed and relaxed while breathing comfortably-no matter how long your mask stays on for the day. Just a spritz of this revitalizing spray will recharge you mentally and physically and deliver irresistible, long-lasting freshness to your senses.”
This is such a neat product, a face mask spray, to freshen up your reusable face masks! It smells light and citrusy and I have been loving it so far!
HONIBE Vitamin D Bone Health ($20)
“Our Vitamin D Gummie Bees provide 1000IU of vitamin D to help build strong bones & teeth in a family-friendly formula.”
These Vitamin D Gummie Bees are surprisingly tasty. I love that they are Made in Canada, Vegetarian, Gelatin-Free, and made with No Unwanted Additives, making them perfect for many dietary lifestyles. Vitamin D is so important for those of us who don’t get to experience sunshine and warm weather all year round and there are many health benefits related to Vitamin D3 supplementation.
BKIND Natural Deodorant Bergamot And Ho Wood ($16)
“BKIND natural deodorant, made with natural ingredients that are safe for you and will protect you from bad odours, while being soft on your skin. Suitable for sensitive skins. Features: Hamamelis Flower Water: Flower water gives a light and non-greasy texture to BKIND deodorant. Also, Hamamelis is known for its moisturizing and refreshing properties. Arrowroot powder: This powder comes from a plant, the Maranta arundinacea. It is known for its absorbent properties.”
I love the idea of this deodorant but found it a little weird to pour out the deodorant onto my hand and then rub it on my armpit. It has a faint smell and it was decently effective.
LADYFLOW Intimate Wash Lavender Soap ($10)
“If you’re using chemical-filled soaps on your intimate parts, you’ll be wondering why you’ve never made the switch to natural alternatives when you try this one! Our Intimate Wash soap gently cleanses & moisturizes the vulva for all-day freshness. Proven to nourish without stripping the natural oils and flora, it helps protect dry, sensitive skin from irritation while supporting a healthy pH.”
I love the idea of this soap as a natural, effective and cleansing soap that keeps your private parts both clean and safe. I found it to be super effective and the smell is divine!

Final Thoughts
The March Nature’s Wellness Box was filled with five full-size products for a total value of approximately $81. Thanks to Nature’s Wellness Box, I was introduced to new products to aid in the healing and changes that come along with warmer weather and Spring! I adore the Way of Will Face Mask Spray the most, but am super impressed by all of the items included this month! If Nature’s Wellness box is calling to you, you can subscribe for a month to month subscription or bi-monthly or every three months, for only $44.99 CAN per month.
Hayley Savanna –