Nicely Noted Review December 2016
Nicely Noted Review December 2016
Nicely Noted is a monthly letterpress subscription service. Every month they send you a package with 3 cards and stamps to mail them (US subscriptions only). They kindly sent me these cards for review.
Here’s a look at the gorgeous cards we received this month:
Pinstripe Peace on Earth – Pistachio Press
Spread the peaceful sentiment of the season with a note of appreciation or love on this delicately striped design.
Stripes and polka dots……the two patterns you can never go wrong with. Why is that? Anyways, this is a very pretty card. The stripes, the color, the font…….everything.
Thank You Thank You Thank You – Pepper Press
Send thanks for hosting a fabulous festive holiday party of for finding you the perfect present.
This card is simple, and to the point. Just the way I like it. The bright colors make it fun, and the purple envelope adds a little spice.
Bright Holiday Wishes – Anemone Letterpress
Make a friend’s holiday brighter with this neon number that radiates happiness and cheer.
I tend to go for non-traditional holiday cards. They appeal to me more than classic cards. I like that this one is bright and happy.
Nicely Noted Review December 2016 – Final Thoughts
I am SO happy we received seasonal cards in this month’s Nicely Noted package. Do you know how crazy the card aisles get around this time of year? I avoid them as much as possible, but I still like to have a few festive cards on hand, so these will come in handy. I like that they went with non-traditional colors & styles, and as per usual I like the simplicity of the designs.