Practical Magic Box Review May 2022

Practical Magic Box aims to help you explore different areas of magic, meditation, and holistic health. Our daily lifestyles can be enhanced with practical spells using natural elements. They kindly sent me this box for review.

Practical Magic Box is a lovely subscription for anyone on a spiritual journey. If you are open to holistic health then this is a box I would highly recommend. I absolutely love it and have enjoyed every box I have received to date.

Subscription Details
The Practical Magic Box will focus on strengthening your own magic. New topic each month. The Practical Magic Box comes with instructions on how to practice your magic.
- Examples of what MIGHT be in the box: Sage Bundle, herbal remedies, crystals, tea, ceramics, journal/notebook, candles, jewelry, tinctures, natural beauty products, spoken magic, incense, essential oils, oracle cards.

Here’s a closer look at the May 2022 Practical Magic Box….

The theme for the May Practical Magic Box is – Manifestation Flower Magic.

Flower Agate Stone: First up we have this gorgeous stone! I can’t stop looking at it. The product card says to use this stone for self-growth. Discover your passion and follow your dreams. Block self-doubt and keep this stone around as a supportive companion.
Flower Earrings: How beautiful are these delicate floral earrings?! I just absolutely love them. We are to wear the earrings as a daily reminder to repeat the steps that were written in our notebook (see next item). Everyday is an opportunity to become what you want.

Flower Notepad & Pen: Here’s what the product card tells us about this pretty notebook…… Create a sense of stillness. Go somewhere soothing. Close your eyes. Think of a manifestation you want to embody by the end of summer. Ask yourself, what do I want? Let the ideas flow and allow your truth to shine. Write them in your notebook. Then, write down the steps needed to embody your goal.

Flower Sage Bundle: This beautiful sage bundle is used to take our journaling one step further……Burn the sage bundle as you write in the notebook. The energy from this bundle cleanses negativity and helps you to focus. Sage smoke releases negative ions which boost mental clarity.

Sow the Magic – Seeds Manifestation Spell
For our spell this month we have received two seed packets – Black Velvet Nasturtium & The Poppy Star.
Here’s just a little snippet from the spell…..
“With an open heart and a mindful commitment, prepare the fertile soil and plant the seeds. The seeds are symbolic of your manifestation. As you go through the steps of planting the seeds, realize that your manifestation needs steps of action…..”

Practical Magic Box Review May 2022 – Final Thoughts
The May Practical Magic Box is absolutely beautiful and brought with it a sense of peace and hope. I absolutely LOVED going through this month’s box. I loved learning about each product, I love the Seeds Manifestation Spell, and I love how beautiful everything looks together. I can tell that a lot of time, energy and passion goes into every box. I can feel the beautiful energy radiate from it as I go through it each month. It truly is a pleasure to unbox.
-AYOB Sarah