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Simple Loose Leaf Review February 2019

The Simple Loose Leaf Tea Company is one of the best and affordable tea subscription boxes!

They normally send you 4 different teas, 2 with caffeine, and 2 without. This is perfect for the next cold night that you want tea but you’re close to your bedtime and you are wanting something that won’t keep you up too long. Another aspect of this Classic Tea Box is the fact that they send you 4 reusable linen tea bags every month!

From Simple Loose Leaf Company:

“Each month you’ll get a box filled with teas ranging from classically savory to enjoyably trendy, you’ll get terrific, members’ only discounts for our tea shop, and you’ll get everything you need to make that perfect cup of tea.”

What You’ll Get:

For only $9 a month! That is a steal!

So without further ado, let’s get into February’s Simple Loose Leaf Box!

Chai Zip – Retail: $12.00

This is one of the most flavorful teas I have had in a while! I actually had a wonderful cup this morning after my breakfast. This tea uses black tea as its base. This makes it bold and gives it a strong flavor. It also has a zing to it with the ginger root and the cinnamon. This is truly a wonderful tea!

Vedic (Healer) – Retail: $12.00

This box was SERIOUSLY reading my mind this month. I have been CRAVING cinnamon. Something spicy and refreshing. This hit the nail on the head. It is perfect to wind down the night with as well because it is caffeine free!

This is a Ayurveic “The Science of Life” teas come in different types and all are designed to support the doshas. These teas help with stress, stimulation, and giving your body balance. Everything that you need in winding down.

Green Harmony – Retail: $16.00

There is nothing more relaxing than the smell of Jasmine tea. This tea has an earthier tone then what you are going to find in most green teas. You can brew this tea at different levels as well. Which is awesome. The first time brew for 30 seconds, then the second time 60 seconds and so on.

Pai Mu Tan #1 – Retail: $12.00

This tea is also known as White Peony and is a white tea that features a strong flavor profile. I love the fact that it is a single ingredient tea. It makes it very simple and yet beautiful in a way. It is very light and golden color in a cup.

This has been another lovely Simple Loose Leaf box! I love the new design to the box as well. It made me smile the moment I retrieved it from my mailbox. You really couldn’t get a better tea box for the price of $9.00 a month. I highly recommend you try it out!

Happy drinking!

Courtny –

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