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Simple Loose Leaf Review October 2018

Simple Loose Leaf is one of my absolute favorite tea subscription boxes ever! They normally send you 4 different teas, 2 with caffeine, and 2 without. This is perfect for those colder nights that you want tea but you’re close to your bedtime and you are wanting something that wont keep you up too long. Another aspect of this Classic Tea Box is the fact that they send you 4 reusable linen tea bags every month!

From Simple Loose Leaf:

“Each month you’ll get a box filled with teas ranging from classically savory to enjoyably trendy, you’ll get terrific, members’ only discounts for our tea shop, and you’ll get everything you need to make that perfect cup of tea.”

What You’ll Get:

So without further ado, let’s get into October’s Tea Box!

Mao Zhen Hair Needle (Retail: $7.00)

This is an everyday green tea. This is a bold cup of tea that will give you a little bit of a herbaceous flavor. What is fantastic about this tea is that as your cup steeps the flavors evolve and become different. It is suggested that you steep it for one minute, taste it. Steep it for another 30 seconds and taste it again. You will be able to really appreciate all of the flavors that develop as the tea steeps.

“OM” Herbal (Retail: $8.00)

“OM” Herbal is just what you picture. I love the fact that just the name brought me a sense of peace and tranquility. It doesn’t stop there however. The ingredients in this flavorful tea are something else. Filled with cardamon, saffron, licorice root, fennel, ginger root, cinnamon and more, this tea is sure to awaken your inner self and help calm you as well. It has amazing earthy notes. You wont regret this cuppa.

Rusty Roots (Retail: $8.00)

If you are a lover of Chai tea this might be perfect for you. It has subtle hints of chai but with a low caffeine count. This would be a perfect cuppa right after dinner but before you are ready to settle down for the night. The notes include green rooibos, whole clove, lemon mrytle, whole pepper, and turmeric. I love the color, scent, and flavor of this tea.

Rose Grey (Retail: $6.00)

I have a real weakness for Earl Grey tea. This is the lighter more fun twist on the Ear Grey tea with rose petals, lavender flowers, and rosemary. I love the subtle flavors that pair nicely with the Earl Grey notes. This is a great tea for breakfast with a scone or muffin.

This has been another lovely tea box from Simple Loose Leaf! I love the new design to the box as well. It made me smile the moment I retrieved it from my mailbox. You really couldn’t get a better tea box for the price of $9.00 a month. I highly recommend you try it out!

Happy drinking!

Courtney McFarland –

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