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Simply Earth Review March 2021

Simply Earth is a monthly subscription for quality essential oils. Each month they deliver four simply pure essential oils, extras, and easy recipes, curated around a specific theme. Simply Earth helps you “create a healthy and chemical free home for your family”. They kindly sent us this box for review.

Life has been weird that last little while, I’m sure we all agree on that. I feel like my emotions are all over the place, up and down, here and there, and overall I just feel blah. But, one of the things that 2020 (and now 2021) has taught me is that we need to find joy in every day and focus on life’s little pleasures. For example, if I’m having one of “those” days, which come more often than they should, I treat myself to a Starbucks, I light a candle first thing in the morning, I take the day off to lay in bed and watch Netflix, or……I pull out my favorite essential oils and get all of my diffusers going. It might sound like a small thing, but it really does make me happy. So….it should come as no surprise that I have been loving my monthly Simply Earth deliveries so much more than I usually do.

Subscription Details

What You Get: Each month you get all the ingredients, containers, and extras you need to make 6 natural recipes… delivered to your doorstep.

Cost: $39 per month

Coupon Code: Use code AYEAROFBOXESFREE to receive a $40 GC with your first order! – CLICK HERE

Here’s a peek at the items we received in the March Simply Earth box…..

Recipe Cards

This month we received recipe cards for the following:

Sticker Labels

I love that they include labels in every box. And the best part is….they recently starting sending the stickers pre-cut.


This month we received the following items to use with the recipes….


Amyris Essential Oil calms, cleans, boosts immunity, supports skin care, and soothes. The woody & vanilla-like of this aroma will put you in awe!


Tea Tree

Tea Tree Essential Oil is one the best known and loved oils around the world. It has been affectionately known as “First Aid in a Bottle” as it is amazing for skin care, natural cleaning, and respiratory support. It can also be beneficial for those in need of confidence.



Often used as an adulteration of rose oil because of its similar aroma at a much lower price, Palmarosa offers a variety of benefits for the skin and emotional well being.


Beauty Within

Regain the youthfulness of soft, smooth skin naturally. Beauty Within will help reduce the effects of time on the skin by combating fine lines and dry, dull skin.


Simply Earth Review March 2021 – Final Thoughts

This month’s Simply Earth has a beauty theme and brought with it a lovely new blend – Beauty Within. I always appreciate the blends they create for us, as well as the thought that goes in to each box. The stand-out item for me this month is the Amyris Oil. It’s one I’ve never heard of before and am very excited to use. It has the most comforting scent, a woody vanilla aroma. I’m also very excited to make the Shiny Pink Lip Balm because another great way to give yourself a little boost is to throw your hair in a pony and put on some lip gloss! Am I right?

-AYOB Sarah

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