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Simply Earth Review March 2022

Simply Earth is a monthly subscription for quality essential oils. Each month they deliver four simply pure essential oils, extras, and easy recipes, curated around a specific theme. Simply Earth helps you “create a healthy and chemical free home for your family”. They kindly sent us this box for review.

What are your MUST-HAVE subscription boxes? The ones that you can’t live without. The ones that you get so much use out of you would be lost without them? Currently mine are as follows….

These are the ones that I get use out of on a daily basis. These are the boxes I NEED!

Subscription Details

What You Get: Each month you get all the ingredients, containers, and extras you need to make 6 natural recipes… delivered to your doorstep.

Cost: $39 per month

Coupon Code: Use code AYEAROFBOXESFREE to receive a $40 GC with your first order! – CLICK HERE

Here’s a peek at the items we received in the March Simply Earth box…..

Recipe Cards

This month we received recipe cards for the following:

Right now I am all about the diffuser blends and the roll-ons so those are my favorite recipes each and every month, but I’m also kind of excited to try the shave butter.

Sticker Labels

The fact that they include sticker labels in every box makes me so darn happy. And I especially love the labels for the top of my essential oil bottles.


This month we received the following items to use with the recipes….


Believed to bring comfort to those grieving, Cypress trees were commonly planted by headstones in old cemeteries. Cypress was traditionally used by early cultures as incense and as a diuretic, but now it’s most commonly used for its aromatic properties that help with emotional stability.


Botanical records show that Mandarin was cultivated in China as early as the 12th century BC. Mandarin Essential Oil can be used to soothe sore muscles, while its scent also has a relaxing and calming effect.


Called the forbidden fruit of Barbados by Griffith Hughes, grapefruit was discovered to be growing in Jamaica in 1789.  Since then, grapefruit has been found to have many, many benefits–from clearing skin to rejuvenating dull hair. Grapefruit is also known for its ability to uplift, energize, and support mental focus.

Head Soothing

Tension that turns into head and neck discomfort? Ain’t nobody got time for that!  Let our Head Soothing Essential Oil Blend help to ease that discomfort.

Simply Earth Review March 2022 – Final Thoughts

This month’s Simply Earth box is actually pretty darn perfect. The recipes have a beauty/self-care theme and I am ALL about beauty products right now. I am excited to make the lip balm and the cheek tint. But with that being said, I am really loving the selection of oils because citrus scents are perfect for Spring cleaning and freshening up your space. Oh….and… it a coincidence that I just happen to be in need of some natural headache remedies as of late? I will be using the Head Soothing blend ASAP!

-AYOB Sarah

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