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Simply Earth Review September 2022

Simply Earth is a monthly subscription for quality essential oils. Each month they deliver four simply pure essential oils, extras, and easy recipes, curated around a specific theme. Simply Earth helps you “create a healthy and chemical free home for your family”. They kindly sent us this box for review.

I’m a huge fan of essential oils, I have been for quite some time. I use them year round for various things around the house but I especially love them this time of year……as the weather starts to cool down, we slowly start to get ready for the holidays…..essential oils are my favourite way to make the house feel cozy. I also find myself reaching for oils to help combat seasonal germs, so I am very excited about the blend we received this month!

Subscription Details

What You Get: Each month you get all the ingredients, containers, and extras you need to make 6 natural recipes… delivered to your doorstep.

Cost: $39 per month

Coupon Code: Use code AYEAROFBOXESFREE to receive a $40 GC with your first order! – CLICK HERE

Here’s a peek at the items we received in the September Simply Earth box…..

Recipe Cards

This month we received recipe cards for the following:

How amazing do all of the recipes look this month? I am especially excited to make the cleaning spray, diffuser blend, and the roll-on. All of them are absolutely perfect for the Fall season ahead.

Sticker Labels

Every month we receive pre-cut sticker labels for the top of our essential oil bottles and for all of the recipes.


This month we received the following items to use with the recipes….

Simply Earth has officially added cleaning tablets to their online store and I am very excited about this new addition! Here’s a little more info….

“This Multi-Purpose Concentrated Cleaning Tab will let you take back control of the cleaning in your home! You’ll be ready to tackle that messy counter or soap-scum-covered bathroom sink in no time, and you can rest assured that you’re not exposing your family to the toxic chemicals that are lurking in most cleaning products.”

Defender: Simply Earth’s Defender Essential Oil Blend is perfect for making DIY home cleaners that can sanitize and help you fight against nasty germs.  Don’t have time to clean?  Diffuse this blend to give your body the extra boost it needs!  Defender will soon become your new best friend!

Eucalyptus: When first discovered in Australia, Eucalyptus (Globulus) treated everything from a cough to skin diseases. Eucalyptus (Globulus) leaves were minced to use for respiratory ailments, wounds, ulcers, aching joints, fevers, and dysentery. Today you could find Eucalyptus (Globulus) in cough syrups, toothpaste, and cosmetics.

Bay: The laurel leaf is known for its symbolism for wealth, success, fame, prosperity, and hope! Bay was utilized to create the victor’s wreath that crowned men in ancient Greece and Rome. Furthermore, it has been utilized throughout the years worldwide as a popular spice and home remedy.

Cedarwood (Himalayan): Cedarwood (Himalayan) uses can be traced as far as biblical times, as it was used for construction materials in temples, homes, boats, and torches. Cedarwood (Himalayan) is now more commonly used for its skin and respiratory benefits. It is also found to be helpful for those who are emotionally tense.

Simply Earth Review September 2022 – Final Thoughts

The September Simply Earth collection is one of my favourites for 2022. I love the selection of oils, I love the blend we received, and I am very happy with all of the recipes. I can see myself diffusing the Defender Blend on a regular basis as we head into the cooler months, but I am also very excited to make the September Stroll Diffuser blend. In addition to that, the cleaning spray is something I will use daily and I have the perfect spray bottle to make it in. Needless to say I am a happy girl…..the September Simply Earth box is absolutely perfect!

-AYOB Sarah

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