Southern Scholar Socks Review March 2019
Today as I receive my March Southern Scholar Socks Subscription, I am comfortably
wearing my last months offering.
Made with 55% polyester, 23% viscose rayon, 17% nylon and 5% spandex, Southern Scholar Socks are the best fitting, highest quality sock I own.
This month, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, socks with hints of green have arrived at my door step.
Titled The Lexington these socks are colored with a navy toe and heel cap and tri color mixed strips (navy, hunter green and heather grey).
A combination that will easily pair dressed down with casual dark denim or up, paired with a blue or grey suit.
As always my Southern Scholar Socks arrived well packaged with a styling tip card for those needing the helpful hints.
Once again March sees another home run for Southern Scholar Socks!
Ryan Massel –