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SprezzaBox Review March 2016 – Men’s Subscription Box

SprezzaBox killed it last month! I was absolutely blown away by the February box, and am tempted to say it’s my favourite thus far. They continue to amaze me month after month, and I always get excited when I see their little square box on the post office counter.

If you aren’t familiar with SprezzaBox it is a Men’s Subscription Box for the fashion conscious man who dresses both professionally and casually. SprezzaBox curates the latest fashion accessories and provides them to you at an extremely low-cost every month. They strive to keep the product mix fresh in each box so that you will always look dapper. Best of all, they partner with some amazing new companies to help you discover new brands. It’s like a present to yourself every month! This box was provided complimentary for review and may include affiliate links.

The Box: SprezzaBox


What You Get: 3-4 lifestyle products and 1 grooming item. A typical box will have an awesome tie, socks, a key accessory and some fancy grooming product. But don’t worry, we’ll surprise you with the occasional pocket square, bow tie, cuff links or other trending products.

Ships to: US & Canada

Shipping Cost: Included in Cost

Coupon Code: Use code “AYOB10″ to get 10% off – CLICK HERE

This month’s SprezzaBox is titled “The Fulton” and it’s all about Spring. They said they have hooked us up with some transitional spring time gear. Spring colors and patterns are my favourite…..I already know I am going to love this month’s box…..but that should come as no surprise…..sorry for being so predictable.

Nectar Sunglasses ($35) – Now this is what I am talking about! How is it that they have included such amazing items for the last 4 months straight! Don’t get me wrong, I love their ties and socks, but I love items like this even more……it’s the unexpected element that keeps me coming back for more.

Sprezza Necktie ($30) – I LOVE everything about this tie. I want some sort of fashion item in these colors and patterns for myself. They said they would hook us up with Spring gear, and they certainly have. This tie has Spring written all over it.

Bedford & Broome Socks ($12) – Sprezza always has the best socks, in the best colors, from the best brands. I am a HUGE fan of the matching, but not really matching trend. These go with the tie perfectly but won’t make your man look like he tried too hard…..perfection.

Weekend Casual Tie Clip ($12) – Tie clips are the bomb! And I’m completely aware of how cheesy that sounds, but it’s true. Now that I’ve been introduced to these fun little suit accessories, I find a outfit boring if it doesn’t include one of these.

Brickell Men’s Products Eye Cream – We always receive some sort of grooming product but this is a new one. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve received eye cream in any of my men’s subscription boxes as of yet. Good job picking this one out!

Thoughts: A per usual, I am extremely impressed with my SprezzaBox. I honestly don’t think they are capable of putting together a “bad” box. I also feel like they have really stepped things up the last few months, and it’s nice to see they aren’t slowing down. The colors/patterns for this month’s items are on point! They seriously have some amazing people on their design team, as I couldn’t have put together a better box if I tried. The sunglasses were a perfect addition to the spring box….what are they going to come up with next! This month’s box makes me wish I wore suites, but sadly I don’t…..I’ll just have to live vicariously through J, he will rock all of these accessories!


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