The Zakka Kit Review November 2017

The Zakka Kit by Neko Box is a subscription box designed for those who have a love for Japanese art, the craft of planning and a desire to create! Choose from a one time subscription, monthly, three months or six months! The one time kit will run you $23.99; however, if you subscribe to six months each kit is only $17.50 a month!
As you know I just love a good stationary box. The Zakka Kit is pretty new to us still, only having received three boxes so far, but as we have said in the past, it can take 3-5 boxes to get a really good feel of a subscription. Let’s take a look at the November Zakka Kit…

I can never have enough stickers! I love to use them to decorate envelopes or seal up a card. I love things to match, so having a variety of stickers to choose from brings me a lot of joy!

These small dye cuts are adorable! Much like sticker use, I’ll use these to decorate note cards and envelopes!

Only one post card has been provided in both Zakka Kits I’ve received. I would love to see the box expand here. Providing 3-5 post cards or cards would really amp this box up!

I was never a big fan of washi tape, but I recently used it to tie up a note into it’s own little envelope and now I’m sold on it! I think I’ll start a washi tape obsession!

The Zakka Kit November 2017 – Final Thoughts
There was not a product card included in this box, which is a really nice touch to any subscription box. I’m really liking what I’m seeing so far, but a detailed product card with a monthly theme and the addition of a few more post cards or note cards would really put this box in the running!