The Zakka Kit Review October 2017

The Zakka Kit by Neko Box is a subscription box designed for those who have a love for Japanese art, the craft of planning and a desire to create! Choose from a one time subscription, monthly, three months or six months! The one time kit will run you $23.99; however, if you subscribe to six months each kit is only $17.50 a month!

I am a huge sucker for anything stationary! I always had a sticker book as a kid and spent many Saturdays writing to pen pals. If I could only have two types of boxes sent to my house one would be a stationary box and the other would be a snack box, so I could munch while crafting!

Let’s take a look and see what the October Zakka Kit has for us…

Mindori Travelers Stickers
These are just the cutest little things! I am big into traveling and love pretty much anything with a retro/vintage look. These are perfect for fancying up an envelope or decorating a planner for count down days to a vacation.

Classy Cat Stickers & Shinzi Katoh Goldfish Stickers
Adorable! It’s nice to be provided with lots of the same item to use over and over. It can be a bummer running out of a favorite item, especially from a subscription box, as you never really know where to stock up again.

Mindwave Mix Flakes & Pilot Frixion Pen
The best part about stationary are all the little tid-bits that make up the box! I’m always in need of a new pen and I love dressing up envelopes and letters or even my planner with little diy-cuts!

Classy Washi Tape
I haven’t yet fully gotten the handle on washi tape. What are your favourite ways to use it? I really like the pattern on this one, as it’s subtle and pretty. I may use it to add a little something something to Christmas present packages!

Zakka Kit October 2017 – Final Thoughts
Pretty cute little stationary package! I love stocking away items like this until I get a big pile of stickers, paper, pens, diy-cuts, washi tape and postcards I can choose from. I always work much better from a stash. Thankfully, my stash is getting pretty big and I’ll be able to really get the creative juices flowing just in time for Christmas! I think I would choose the six month plan for this box to make sure I really stocked up on the items. The variety of this box is really nice! Not too over whelming, but at the same time lots of items to go through and choose from. I also like the over all size of the box, not being much bigger that a post card. Sometimes the smaller boxes are so quaint and tidy and just adorable to go through!