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Yogi Surprise Jewelry Box Review May 2019

Yogi Surprise Jewelry box is a monthly care package designed to stimulate your senses, clear your mind and cleanse your soul. Whether you’re a wellness enthusiast or the seasoned yoga master, Yogi Surprise is the perfect complement to your healthy lifestyle. Every month you’ll discover hand-crafted jewelry designed with your yogic journey in mind. They kindly sent us this box for review.

May Box Details

The May Yogi Surprise Jewelry box theme is “Mudra”

Align your body & mind with May’s Mudras. This month’s handpicked offerings are aimed to help you set the gesture of your intentions through your rituals.

A “Mudra” is defined as “symbolic, ritualistic gesture used in yoga, Buddhism and Hinduism.” When used in yoga (or meditation) it’s referring to certain hand gestures created to align chakras and bring about specific energies to the practice or following a practice. For example if you’ve seen a seated yoga pose where the hands are placed face up on the knees that would be a jnana mudra and is believed to uplift the body and mind. Mudras can help you ground the moment in your practice and focus on being present too. The items in this month’s box are great tools to bring grounding to your practice and daily life.

Here’s a look at what was in this month’s box (total value $68):

Amazonite Mala Necklace

Known as the “hope” stone, Amazonite is a powerful tool of manifestation. This artfully crafted male is an excellent addition to your daily meditation, intention setting, and goal planning routines.

I’ve received a number of mala necklaces through this box by now so it’s been fun to get a real collection going. They are all so different and the unique stones used on each one can bring something different to a yoga practice or meditation. I love that the feature stone this time is Amazonite which is said to be a tool of hope and manifestation. It’s said to help dissolve negative thoughts, feelings and mental barriers surrounding your goals, so it’s perfect to use when you’re focusing on the mudras you incorporate to bring them energy and intention. Not only that but this mala has a really pretty color scheme too: a neutral, earthy and light green tone with the stone connecting the grayish tassel being a bit brighter and more vivid green. I love that little gold beads connect the stone beads which themselves are a little smaller so they necklace isn’t as bold and is lighter in weight. This one might be one of my favorites in my collection now!

Amazonite with Om Charm

The Amazonite Om charm helps further set intentions in your daily practice. Carry the stone and it’s wisdom with you throughout the day – use them to recognize compassion, energize your senses, and inspire clarity and forwardness in your actions.

This is the perfect complement to the necklace above. The stones match it and the gold Om charm connects with the gold hints it has. Om is like a verbal gesture that is often used to open or close a yoga practice. The vibrational noise is said to have spiritual and creative power and helps set intentions just like a mudra. Wearing this makes for a good reminder to live your intentions.

Price of Peace Ginger Chews

Simply sweet, spicy and delicious, these 100% natural ginger chews from Prince of Peace help bring balance to the stomach while satisfying your sweet craving.

Ginger is definitely one of those really distinct flavors. It can be a bit spicy and hard to eat but it can add wonderful flavor to foods too. I’m intrigued by these candies because sometimes I like ginger (ie ginger ale), and sometimes I don’t (raw candied ginger – it’s pretty intense!) so I’m curious to see where these fall on my scale. With the addition of lychee I think the flavor will likely balance out to be pretty tasty. Ginger is known to help calm the stomach and ease digestive distress so not only are these a good treat when you want something sweet but perhaps they can soothe irritations too. They could be a good thing for an after dinner ritual to aid digestion I’d think!

Yogi Surprise Jewelry Box Review May 2019 – Final Thoughts

To be honest I don’t always think about mudras as I practice yoga and this month’s Yogi Surprise box was a great reminder to focus on what they can bring to the experience. It’s a great reminder to stay and be present and the items, especially the mala necklace, help aid with keeping that top of mind. I think even if you can’t focus on a long yoga practice or mediation that starting a ritual of just sitting with a mudra for a few minutes can help get you grounded and I appreciate the theme of this box for reminding me of that. Especially when the business of summer is about to set in, these tools will come in handy to create a few minutes of slow down.

The Botanic Gal –

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