Book of the Month YA Selections October 2019

Book of the Month YA is a monthly book subscription box. Every month they release 5 new books which they have narrowed down from hundreds of new releases (so you don’t have to). Books are announced on the first of the month, and members have six days to decide which book they would like to receive. Monthly subscriptions include one book, but members can purchase up to two additional books each month for $9.99 per title.
Here are the Book of the Month YA selections for October…..

Wayward Son
The sequel to Carry On is the heroic romance you want, plus dragons and vampires. And yes, you will ugly cry.

The Fountains of Silence
Like a juicy history lesson. Unearth a hidden time in Spain full of hardship, family duty, and scandal.

The Beautiful
Dig into the first of this series. It’s a decadent mix of blood, lust, and lore in 19th-century New Orleans. Yum.

Full Disclosure
Your teen rom-com with a heavier twist and plenty of relatable moments.

A Sofia Vassilieva recommendation for the Game of Thrones and Harry Potter fans who can’t get enough adrenaline.
Box Details: Book of the Month YA subscriptions include one book, but members can purchase up to two additional books each month for $9.99 per title.