Clean Crate Product of the Month June 2022
Clean Crate is a curated selection of top-quality daily cleaning products sourced exclusively from Canadian brands delivered at the interval of your choice!
Here is a peek at the featured Clean Crate product for June 2022….
Eco Living Club Laundry Strips
A minimalist eco laundry detergent that challenges the traditional pods and plastic jugs of the past. They removed the water from their detergent, resulting in an ultra-concentrated earth-friendly detergent strip.
Owned and Operated by 2 fun-loving sisters in Vancouver BC who wanted to make a change in the world. They saw the plastic islands in the ocean made up of laundry detergent jugs and wanted to help make a difference. As Moms, they knew they needed to do something about the horrific damage that is being done to this beautiful planet we call home. Their vision is why they started working on Eco Laundry Club – a Laundry Detergent redefined.
What You Get: Your first Clean Crate order is curated for you, all subsequent deliveries can be customized. Choose a delivery interval that works for you: Monthly, bi-monthly, seasonal or semi-annual deliveries are available.