Clean Crate Product of the Month May 2022

Clean Crate is a curated selection of top-quality daily cleaning products sourced exclusively from Canadian brands delivered at the interval of your choice!
Here is a peek at the featured Clean Crate product for May 2022….

Pure Stain Remover
Naturally effective with a formula based of citrus fruits, this laundry room must have will effectively remove stains on the clothes, carpets, upholstery and more! The citrus acts as a scissor, it cuts the dirt in small pieces and flushes the stain easily with the laundry detergent during washing. This product contains no solvents or petrochemicals that could damage fibres in the long run. It detaches ink, oil, red wine, lawn, lipstick and more without the use of any harsh chemicals! It smells light and fresh and is safe for pets, kids and the environment! Choose this in your next Clean Crate delivery!
What You Get: Your first Clean Crate order is curated for you, all subsequent deliveries can be customized. Choose a delivery interval that works for you: Monthly, bi-monthly, seasonal or semi-annual deliveries are available.