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mintMONGOOSE Spoiler December 2021

mintMONGOOSE subscribers receive 3 pieces of adorable, high-quality​ jewelry with a retail value of $40+ mailed to you every month for just $15.99! Each month they announce one piece and the other two are a surprise! Save for yourself, share with your friends, or give an adorable gift to a loved one!

Here’s a spoiler for the December mintMONGOOSE box…

There is nothing quite like a good holiday celebration. Gathering, visiting, smiling, celebrating, and hugging – many things which we have come far and few between over the last few years.

When I think back to my childhood, the holidays stand out. I remember hugs, good food, and visits that often lasted into the wee hours of the following morning. I remember playing with my cousins, collecting the eggs at grandpa’s farm, and playing card games.

Now, as a parent of three little ones, I am determined to give my kiddos warm holiday memories that they can look back on one day. Portions of that have been difficult to accomplish the last few years, but we have done our best! Video visits with family, making Christmas cookies and cupcakes, cuddling up for Christmas movie nights, and holiday crafts have been nice memories.

I hope this jewelry set, along with its ornament and tinsel design, reminds you of the warmest, happiest holiday you have had and remind you that more are yet to come!

This beautiful necklace will be in our December boxes, along with the rest of the AWESOME set all for as little as $13.49 + FREE US shipping!

Box Details: Each mintMONGOOSE package contains 3 pieces of beautiful, high quality jewelry for you to keep.


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