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mintMONGOOSE Spoiler November 2022

mintMONGOOSE subscribers receive 3 pieces of adorable, high-quality​ jewelry with a retail value of $40+ mailed to you every month for just $15.99! Each month they announce one piece and the other two are a surprise! Save for yourself, share with your friends, or give an adorable gift to a loved one!

Here’s a spoiler for the November mintMONGOOSE box…

This month’s set is inspired by the value of imagination and practicing it, despite the number of candles on our birthday cake.

To my three kiddos, imagination isn’t something they have to practice, it’s a way of life. Our new home has a yard with a ton of trees, which means they come across a lot of branches. No matter how many branches they’ve played with in a given day, the next one is just as exciting of a treasure because to them it is something entirely different than the last 15 were. The very large branches may be carnival rides that they hop on and teeter back and forth. The large branches may be a rake they use to collect leaves which creates a doorway to the lava in the center of the earth, which they willingly jump into! The medium to small branches may be a broom to fly around on or a rod of powerful lighting exploding everything they touch.

Sometimes life can trick us into thinking there is a time to let go of imagination and live in the “real world”, but the reality is that the world is a lot more beautiful when you welcome your imagination into your day.

The branch of this set is not designed to be a branch. Instead, it is designed to be whatever you want it to be.

When you wear this set, I hope it reminds you to cling to what your mind’s eye can dream up and use that to add a bit of fun and color to your real-world life.

Box Details: Each mintMONGOOSE package contains 3 pieces of beautiful, high quality jewelry for you to keep.


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