Mother Earth Wrap Club Spoiler August 2022

Mother Earth Wrap Club is designed to be a ritual to gain crystal wisdom and empowerment in the form of one wrap bracelet a month.
Here is a peek at the August Mother Earth Wrap Club bracelet…

Keeper of Positivity Wrap Bracelet with Carnelian, Olive Quartz and Moonstone
Positive thinking is all about anticipating happiness, health and success instead of expecting the worst. Leveraging the law of attraction, this mindset creates a positive feedback loop that brings even more good into your life.
Wear this multi gemstone colorful bracelet to keep (or create) your positive outlook on life.
Carnelian is known as the self-esteem gemstone because it is such a powerful motivator. It helps you to overcome the various parts of your personality that may be holding you back allowing you to step out into the world and claim your destiny. As a major grounding stone, carnelian helps you to focus on where you are currently at in life and to get you through times of stress so you can concentrate on your confidence. If you happen to become a little loss for words, don’t sweat it, just draw upon the energies of carnelian and allow your inspiration to bloom and your creativity to find solutions.
Olive quartz gemstone transmutes the negativity in life and replaces it with positive energy. Olive Quartz has meaning and properties to strengthen mental strength. It is a gemstone to be said to reduce the wear of the mind. Olive Quartz is a powerful and protective stone that is highly sought after for it’s metaphysical properties. These stones show us our true selves and paths, and give courage.
A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Since earliest times, Moonstone has been a tangible connection to the magic of the moon – an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom.
Our ties to the moon are strong. As it waxes and wanes in cyclic perfection, it creates the tides and rhythms of our mother, Earth, and influences our behaviors, emotions and spiritual growth. Moonstone calms and encourages, teaching us the natural rhythms of life.
+/- 27 inch long. You can wear it as a wrap bracelet or as a necklace. The beads are about 4mm on silver wire. Closes with a sterling silver clasp. The bracelet features a beautiful bright orange Carnelian gemstone.
Made with Love in California.
What You Get: Each month Mother Earth Wrap Club subscribers will receive a surprise Healing Crystal Wrap Bracelet (personalized to your wrist size) that is not yet available on the web to work with supportive energies.