October 2018 JoahBox Spoiler #1
By joining JoahBox you’ll receive 5-7 full-size Korean Skincare and Makeup delivered monthly from Seoul straight to your doorstep.
Take the Beauty Profile survey to help JoahBox’ Korean Beauty Experts curate the best of K-beauty for the unique YOU. JoahBox is up to $100 value in your Monthly Curations.
Here’s a peek at the first spoiler for the October JoahBox……
Your October’s JoahBox is 5 to 7 Full-size Korean Cosmetics and the #1 Product spoiler is:
Pony Effect Seoul Effective Eyelashes in the versions #JustARumor and #BitterSweet
Pony Effect Seoul is the brand by the number one Korean Makeup Artist.
Order the October JoahBox until the 5th of October and Shipping starts the 8th of October.