Postmark’d Studio Spoiler April 2020

Feeling Groovy
Welcome to the 1960s! Free love, flower power, hippies, psychedelic drugs, and political mayhem — these were the trends of a decade that saw upheaval of social mores and cultural behaviors. As The Beatles rocked and Bob Dylan rolled, the world saw changes in the political climate (Vietnam War protests, the sexual revolution, civil rights), the fashion world (“It’s called a ‘mini-skirt,’ Mom”), and even in the realm of food (the mighty processed cheese slice)! As I embark into my sixtieth year in April, what better way to celebrate than with some 1960 inspired snail mail.

Join our Postmark’d Studio snail mail revolution just n time for National Letter Writing Month!
Save 50% off your 1st box when you sign up for a 3-month subscription plan. Use the code YOB404ME – CLICK HERE
-Postmark’d Studio