Postmark’d Studio Spoiler September 2019: You’ve Got Lunch

August is quickly slipping away and schools are starting around the world. And with the start of school comes the “joy” of packing lunches!
For our September “You’ve Got Lunch” Postmark’d Studio PostBox we have scoured for the best cards to create a perfect brown bag lunch!
Here is a little sneak peek of one of the fabulous items that will be in our September collection.

At Postmark’d Studio we think a bad morning can be fixed with a lunch of a PB&J sandwich and a cold glass of milk! Somehow this delicious comfort food makes the world right! We can’t imagine who wouldn’t love to get a note written on a letterpressed PB&J sandwich!
Our September “You’ve Got Lunch” Postmark’d Studio PostBox will be filled with so many yummy lunch treats you won’t want to miss. Sign up by August 31, 2019 to receive your September “You’ve Got Lunch” PostBox!
Coupon Code: Use code YOB404ME for 50% OFF your 1st month of a 3-month subscription! – CLICK HERE
-Postmark’d Studio