Creation Crate is a tech-ed subscription box that teaches electronics and coding with hands-on projects delivered to your door.
Coupon Code: Use code D1V9C for 50% OFF your first project when you purchase a Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual Electronics subscription! – CLICK HERE
What You Get:
#1. All The Needed Components- Every Creation Crate box is going to be different depending on the project, but the 3 main components are: the UNO R3 (Arduino-compatible), which is like a pocket-sized computer, various components, and the instruction booklet.
#2. Online Classroom – Learning management system includes access to online video lessons, step by step instructions, and world class troubleshooting support through email, phone, or video.
Creation Crate
Learn Electronics, Engineering, Chemistry and more with hands-on projects delivered to your door. Ages 10+