Chroma Club Review December 2016 & Coupon Code

Chroma Club Review December 2016
I am SO excited about today’s review. I had to get that off my chest right away because it’s true. I have been looking forward to receiving my first Chroma Club in the mail, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. I ripped into this package as soon as I got it……sorry I couldn’t wait. Chroma Club is a colouring book subscription box and I just happen to LOVE colouring!

Chroma Club Details
If you aren’t familiar with Chroma Club it is joy in your inbox. Their coloring books are the perfect blend of art, fun and challenge, with illustrations drawn by artists around the world. Put on some headphones and throw down some colors on their beautiful designs. Let your own creativity spark up.

Subscription Details
Chroma Club subscriptions are pretty straightforward. You can choose a month to month subscription, 3-month prepay or 6-month prepay. I also want to take this time to talk about their amazing customer service. You all know how I feel about this. Just because I am a subscription box reviewer doesn’t mean I get special treatment, sometimes it’s the exact opposite. So, when I received great customer service from a particular box I like to point it out. And in this case, Chroma Club could be classified as having some of the best customer service in the industry……thought that was worth mentioning.

Chroma Club Vol. 10
I didn’t do any research prior to receiving my first package in the mail so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know if I would just receive colouring sheets or if it would actually be a colouring book. I’m SO glad it is a book. It makes it easy to transport.

Chroma Club Review December 2016 – Final Thoughts
First of all, how freakin’ cute are the cats with the hearts! I just had to point that out. Now we can talk about the subscription service itself. I am a HUGE fan of Chroma Club. I am so happy with my first delivery. I think the price point is extremely reasonable, and I love the mixture of collections and patterns (is that what they are called). Anyways, I like that some are extremely detailed and some aren’t. I like that some are cute and some are abstract. I can’t wait to start colouring and I can’t wait to receive my next book!