Date Mail Mystery Box Review May 2017

Date Mail is a date to door delivery service, they just made date night easier! A fresh date idea is mailed to your door every month, always a different theme and all with the intention of helping you slow down, laugh, love and create fun new memories with one another! Designed to help couples have fun in unique, meaningful ways, the products they use come from Canadian entrepreneurs whenever possible. They kindly sent us this box for review.

Date Mail is a new Canadian Subscription Box for couples. We got to review this subscription for the first time back in March. At that time we reviewed their regular subscription box and today we are reviewing their Mystery Box.

Mystery Box Details
Like any business, we sometimes have left over inventory and what’s the best thing to do with it? Create a box for those disappointed they missed out! So, while quantities last, you can receive a great date night that gives you a peek into how we’re saving date night one box at a time!
What’s inside? It’s called a Mystery Box for a reason, so no, we won’t tell you what to expect! It’s guaranteed to be a great date night though, so take a chance and get yours today!
Cost: $38 per box
Here’s a closer look at the items we received in our May Mystery Box:

Kissing Crossword
Sending you our popular items means giving you our Kissing Crossword puzzle. This game may get you sidetracked from the rest of the evening so perhaps don’t play it right away.

Would You Rather
Would You Rather has been so popular as a fun way for couples to learn new things about one another that we just had to send it to you! This would be a great way to start your date night.

Vitamin Me
Something fun for you to fill out together and perhaps stick it on the fridge as a reminder of the things you want to do together this summer. Set some goals together and live them!

Pumpkin Lavender Massage Bar & Lip Balm
This is proven to be a scent that both men and women find seductive and this massage bar will simply melt in your hands! And the lip balm….well, that goes with the crossword puzzle.

Love Notes
Everyone loves a love note so take a few moments to write yours out. There’s 2 double-sided cards so each of you can write 2 reasons and hand them over to your partner to tuck away for the days you need a smile on your face.

Couples That Grow Together
When was the last time you planted anything together? This will make for a unique thing to do together that results in a delicious treat and reflects the importance of planting healthy seeds in your relationship. Plus, we hope that when you look at the mint growing, it will serve as a reminder that you deserve a great date night.

Date Mail Mystery Box Review May 2017 – Final Thoughts
Date Mail is a box for couples who need that extra little push to make quality time a priority. It’s a way to make planning date nights a little less stressful, and provides you with a few fun activities to keep the momentum going. I definitely wouldn’t consider this a value box, it’s more along the lines of an experience box. They send you the tools you need to carry out a fun date night, with a couple little products to compliment the activities. I personally prefer a few more physical items but I know that some couples are thrilled with the activity portion of the box and have been happy with all of their Date Mail deliveries thus far.