HIITit Review March 2017

HIITit is a subscription service for daily workouts. Every single day you will have a 12 minute workout right at your fingertips delivered to your inbox, so you will never have to wonder what workout to complete. HIIT workouts can be done ANYWHERE with NO equipment! They are fast, convenient, and motivating.

Last month was my first review for HIITit workouts and it was an entirely new concept to me. I got into details about my fitness obsessed background and commitment to the gym. I then proceeded to tell you have much I LOVED my first month with HIITit, and how nice it was to take a break from the gym…….for the first time in 20 years. It was a HUGE step for me, a step I wasn’t sure I was able to take. But I’m happy to report that I have finished my second month with HIITit, and I have no desire to reactivate my gym membership anytime soon.

March Progress

I plan on reviewing HIITit every month going forward and thought it would be fun to update you on my progress. Sometimes it can be tough to talk about fitness goals, progress, body changes, etc……but my plan is to be 100% honest with you, no matter the results. So here’s the lowdown for March:

  • My weight has leveled off, I am sitting around 116.5 lbs
    • when I started with HIITit I was around 114.5, I gained 2 pounds of muscle right off the bat, and proceeded to gain muscle for the first 30 days (can’t believe I am sharing my weight with the world, lol)
    • my weight reached a high of 118.5 after about 5 weeks, I know it was muscle because my clothes fit the same but I could see muscle definition in my stomach, legs, arms and butt
  • I am not missing the gym AT ALL
    • I feel a lot more relaxed knowing that I can get my workout in at home
    • I have more time at home and with the BF since I don’t have to worry about driving to the gym
    • often times when the BF is home I will do my workout before he gets up in the morning
  • I am more motivated to workout
    • knowing that the workouts are only 12 minutes long makes them a lot easier to accomplish when you are having “lazy” days
    • the fact that each move is only 50 seconds long (with a 10 second break) is motivation in itself because I know I won’t get bored
HIITit Review March 2017 – Final Thoughts

The last 30 days with my HIITit workouts were a little different from the first 30 days. I was questioning the process near the beginning of February and had to make some changes as a result. You are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about. Well here goes……..The program is meant to be done every day with rest days on the 5th, 10th, 15th, etc….But I was struggling with the fact that I was gaining muscle so quickly. I know what you are thinking…..why in the world am I worried about that! Well, my personal preference is that of a long, lean body as opposed to more muscle definition. I gain muscle very quickly, and don’t love the way it looks on me. So……I made a few little tweaks to the routine, and feel MUCH more comfortable. I was worried at first because who am I to change the routine? But once I came to terms with the fact that everyone’s body is different, I realized that it’s ok to do what works for me. So…..here is what I am going to do for the next 30 days:

  • 3-4 HIITit workouts per week
  • 2-3 cardio workouts (20-30 minutes of running outside)
  • 2-3 hikes per week (because I LOVE a good hike and get grumpy if I don’t go)

I am already looking forward to the next month of training, and am still LOVING the fact that the gym is no longer part of my daily routine. I am one happy girl now that I have discovered HIITit workouts……and less stressed!


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